50 Home
50 President's Page
50 Activities Calendar
50 Major Reunions
50 Mini-Reunions
50 Mini-Reunions Redux
50 Memorials
50 Officers
50 Committees
50 Class Notes
50 Treasurer




Click on the links listed below to see a marvelous description of each mini.

J. Fox W'50,S'50,H'50 recorded all of this with tender loving care.

Introduction Washington DC '82 Charleston '83
St Louis '84 San Francisco '86 Salem '87
Scottsdale '88 Philadelphia '89 Montreal '91
New Orleans '92 Cincinnati '93 San Antonio '94
Seattle '96 Chicago '97 San Diego '98
Richmond '99 Newburyport '00 Charleston '01
Memphis '02 Palm Beach '03 Hawaii '04
Washington DC '04 Salem '05 Louisville '06
Minneapolis '07 Baltimore '08 Milwaukee '09
Princeton '11    


















The Web Manager is Charles H. Rose '50.
Logo and page design by Alfred Abbotts '50.
Page update 5 January 2004

©2004 The Princeton University Class of 1950.
This page was created by and for the Princeton Class of 1950.
The contained information is intended to be used for individual communication of a personal nature among Princetonians.
Use of this information for any other purpose is prohibited.
The Class of 1950 is solely responsible for the content.
Although every effort is made to keep the information accurate, it cannot be guaranteed.