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Ken Perry
Your scribe trusts that all have received the 2019 class directory that was mailed in December.
, president; STUART DUNCAN, vice president; KENNETH PERRY, secretary; and
election to any of these offices, he may submit such a request in writing to the class secretary
within 30 days of this date. ALAN KIRK waxed poetic in a recent note
when he quoted F. Scott Fitzgerald's epitaph: We have learned that EARLE LEONARD died Sept. 13,2019, in Seattle, Wash., and
8 Jan 2020 News from classmates comes in from various states. From Illinois: DICK MENTZINGER writes that he still plays tennis, golfs and works out. If that's not enough, he reads extensivly and travels a lot (Europe, South Africa, Croatia). Dick lost his wife, Maryjane, six years ago, but takes joy in his three children, seven grandchildren, and four great-grandchildren. Of course, his future plans include our 70th. From Virginia: JEREMY MAIN, our class agent for the 1746 Society, has settled down in the foothills of the Blue Mountains, where his daughter Kate and her husband have provided him a house on their compound. An operation for spinal stinosis last January left him very dependent, but with his daughter's help, he reports that he is slowly recovering strength and ability to walk. He plans to be in good shape for our 70th, at least to ride a cart in the P-rade. From Arkansas, DAVID MILLER, whose knowledge and passion of big band music is probably unsurpassed, was honored in Little Rock at an October dinner for his service to LifeQuest of Arkansas. Appropriately named after his one hour radio program, "Swingin' Down the Lane, with David Miller.", the gathering recognized the 20 years he had taught adults about big bands. A 16 piece band was on hand to play his kind of music. David has produced more than 1,950 radio programs. For his 1,950th he appropriatly featured popular music of 1950 to commemorarate our 70th which he plans to attend. Farwell to three classmates, BILL APGAR died Sep 10, 2019 in San Marcos, Calif, ROY WELCH, Oct 14 2019 in Mystic Conn, and HUGH FRANCIS, Oct 14 in Chippawa Falls, Wisc.
9 Dec 2019 Your scribe wishes to use this opportunity to thank class associate chair and SID's widow JEAN FOX h'50 for her commitment to interacting with our class widows. She writes from her Campo Calif home that all is well and that she and Sid's daughter, Lydia, are planning to atend our 70th. It 's aways good to receive news from other class associates. Karla Costen wrote that she had moved from S. Louis to Muncie, Ind, and conveyed the news that she will be married later this year. Nancy MacWhinney posted us on her well-being as well as an earlier column's update on Patience and LANSE HOSKINS. Former class prez, BILL HAYNES, and crowd practically filled a barge on France's Rhone River in July. He and Aline took eight grandchildren and eight adults "across the pond" for a "great," 10-day multigenerational trip. Received an email from SIDNEY VAN DEN BERG asking about our class count, so will share it ith you. As of late September it was 184 living, about 24% of our incoming count (171 are getting class and Princeton mail) Sidney, who lives in British Columbia, is our sol classmate living in Canada. Remember the comic strips "L'il Abner", "Blondie" and "Steve Canyon"? They were voted our favorites in 1950. Incidentally, "Blondie" is still running and your scribe reads it daily. (How does that speak for a Princeton education?) One of our loyal classmates GATES LLOYD, died Sept 25, in Haverford, Pa.
13 Nov 2019 this early event in our class history "established a strong feeling of identity between our class and Princeton." DAVID MCALPIN wrote that he is living "comfortably" at Stonebridge at Montgomery,
just five miles north of Nassau Hall. PETE ERDMAN is a fellow resident. In September Good to hear from JACK BOGARDUS
now firmly ensconced in a North Scottsdale,
Ariz., retirement community. Sorry to hear the Interesting to note that your scribe is pleased
that readership of the notes goes beyond our class.
23 Oct 2019 BILL DIETEL writes from his farm near
Virginia's Shenandoah National Park that he
retired from Dietel Philanthropic Services A short note from JOHN SCOTT , from
across the pond, who reports, "All OK." Should
John join us at our 70th as he hopes, he will We bid farewell to two classmates. BILL SANT died in St. Louis, Mo., Aug. 6;
and HENRY POWSNER died in Princeton, N.J.,
20 Sep 2019 Your scribe is indebted
to Frederic Sater '56
for the following news: After recouping from extensive back surgery
last year, .JIM WALLACE writes from Ohio that he
has resumed playing golf, but unfortunately, the When asked in 1950 what change would you
make in Princeton, the response in order of
votes was: 1. Make it Coed. 2. Abolish Theses. Well, we got three out off our eventually.
10 Jul 2019 CHARLIE ROSE , our class president and reunion organizer, submitted an on-site report of our 69th, from which your scribe extracted the following: "The Friday-night highlight was the class dinner at the Nassau Club. Attending were DAVID MCALPIN, BILL CAMPBELL and Mary Hopkins, STUART DUNCAN, PETER ERDMAN, BILL HAYNES and wife Aline, WILL RIVINUS and Dicki Ann Boal, JACK ROBINSON, CHARLIE ROSE and his daughters, Beth Rose '77 and Meg McFarland with her sons Bob and Bill Dyer, and honorary class members MARY ALEXANDER and NICK ANDERSON with his wife, Sue Fou '94. "On Saturday the P-rade followed the Old
Guard luncheon at Forbes. Haynes and the
Rose family walked, while Campbell, Hopkins,
and late arrival "TEX" LAMASON were in their
golf carts ready to assist the walkers should
they falter. Elizabeth Billington '76 joined
the P-raders at the reviewing stand to honor
our distinguished classmates Dave and Jim JEREMY MAIN name surfaced in the April 10 edition of PAW. Jeremy was one of more than 100 members of the Princeton journalism community supporting Philippine journalist Maria Ressa '86, who has been harassed and arrested multiple times by the government for her investigative reporting. Jeremy was with Time Inc., for 32 years. He moved to Ridgefield, Conn., after retiring from the board of editors of Fortune in 1991, but just moved to Delaplane, Va. As we close out the academic year, we note
the passing of MEAD TWITCHELL , who died
in Carmel, Ind., April 9; DICK SHARRETT,
5 Jun 2019 These days news from classmates frequently
relates to grandchildren or great-grandchildren. JOHN GEBHARD recently put a reverse spin on
this trend when he sent a copy of a letter that
his fifth great-grandfather wrote in 1789 to the
then newly inaugurated President of the United
States, George Washington. John's ancestor,
John Gabriel Gebhard, a German-educated
immigrant and pastor of the German Reformed
Church, offered "to be of Service to your
Excellency and my Country" by representing John retired from the defense industry in 1996 and is one our 11 classmates living in California. Sometimes news reaches us via, of all
things, PAW. KENT YOUNG'S letter in the April
, 10 edition lamenting PAW's limited coverage
of football, especially the undefeated 2018
team, indicates he still attends football games,
driving from Centreville, Md., where he moved
in 1992 and retired from a lifelong medical
career in 1997. (As an avid follower of all Tiger Sadly, our class ranks have been reduced by four. EDWARD "TED" FRIEND died in Boca Raton, Fla., March 5; VADEN LACKEY in Nashville, Tenn., March 19; DAVID AKERS in Kimble County, Texas, March 19; and JOHN LOWMAN in Ft. Myers, Fla., April 3.
15 May 2019 Ever passed up an opportunity and regretted
it to this day? With baseball season well
underway, your scribe recalled such an
opportunity DAVID MILLER once told him
about. David was student manger of our "This was one of Babe Ruth's last public appearances. He was honored in June on the occasion of the 25th anniversary of Yankee Stadium. He died two months later. "'Whatever happened to the baseball he signed for you?' someone near and dear to me asked many years later. I explained that I only asked him to autograph one ball. '''Do you mean to say you had a chance to
get a ball autographed by Babe Ruth and you
only got one for someone else?' she.countered. recognizing that I had done a really dumb thing.
Exactly how dumb has been brought home to
me every time I see the print ad of a Ruth-signed
24 Apr 2019 Our own DAVE JORDAN has been awarded the
Albert Nelson Marquis Lifetime Achievement
Award, and his biography will be included
in Marquis Who's Who. Dave has had a
distinguished career of over 40 years in the
field of law, with the second half serving as a
United States magistrate judge. We remember
him fondly for hosting our 14th Mini Reunion
in San Diego when 80 of us had breakfast on
the guided missile cruiser, USS Princeton, with
the captain. In retirement Dave has settled When preparing memorials for JIM COMPTON and MAYNARD GARRISON who passed away just three months apart, your scribe noted a common bond that he suspects neither was aware of. Jim spent four years in his early days as chair
of the University of Edinburgh's Department
of North American Studies. Always "quite Garrison, a member of the Royal & Ancient
Golf Club of St. Andrews, wrote a well-received
book about a Scotsman who was the only signer So, probably without knowing of their Scottish bond, two of our classmates have their names immortalized in Scotland. We have learned that READE NIMICK died Feb. 22, in Pennsylvania.
10 Apr 2019 JACK BOGARDUS wrote that he and Lela have
given up their summer condo in Connecticut
and are now full time Arizona residents at The peripatetic JOHN MINTON has apparently settled down. He has moved from St. Louis to Bell Terrace Senior Living in Bloomington, Ind., to be close to a son and his family. John feels "Good to be Back Home in Indiana" since he claims an earlier residence there (circa 1956) qualified him as an "Honorary Hoosier." Not as mobile as he once was on the tennis courts, he and Corie are still licensed drivers and get around locally by car. He looks forward to the Indy 500, but will miss Jim Nabors singing "Back Home." Your scribe recently heard from Honor MACLEAN, MAC's Maclean, Mac's widow, who is moving from
their home of 50 years in Lawrence, N.Y., to We received word that MAYNARD GARRISON died Jan. 6 in California, and RALPH CARDELLO died Feb. 10 in New Jersey.
20 Mar 2019 Now not everyone has a Bach Cantata carrying
the family name. Our WILL RIVINUS does, and
it was sung for his birthday last November. A church choir performed Bach's Rivinus
Cantata (BWV 36B) for Will's 90th, Apparently
Bach was a friend of Will's family when the two Another birthday was reported by DICK FORD , who had his 90th last June. Dick added
that wife Phoebe was lining up to celebrate hers And, you may ask, how many classmates have yet to celebrate their 90th? A quick scan of our Nassau Herald indicated that less than 20 are still in their 80S, albeit nudging the 90 mark. ROGER SMITH wrote that he and Nell "finally" have a great-granddaughter.
Finally, because until her arrival the Smiths'
offspring consisted of a great-grandson, seven
grandsons, and three sons. They are still in
their New Canaan, Conn., home of 35 years,
where they manage some gardening and an
occasional golf, tennis, or paddle ball outing. We received word that PETER ANSON died Jan: 17, in Minneapolis from his daughter, Leslie '85.
6 Mar 2019 Lots of news last fall from ALAN KIRK. A self-described "broken-down" lawyer, Alan retired in 1990. For the next 10 years he was active with the National Cathedral and started an author lunch program at the Metropolitan D.C. Club, hosting 300 luncheons for 18 years. Guests included six Supreme Court Justices (not all at once, but many two or three times) and Princetonians Paul Volcker '49 and Jim Baker '52 among the many Washington dignitaries. Possibly more enviable is that Alan shot his age (89) at golf and posted three lifetime holes-in-one. Can any other classmate boast a hole-in one, or more? A brief note from JACK LOWMAN'S wife,
Alice, reporting that they are "vertical and
mobile" at Shell Point Retirement in Fort
Myers, Fla. - though no more tennis for
Jack. From his then Elmira, N.Y., home, Jack,
a history major, wrote for our yoth that he
had fond recollections of such emorable Your scribe strives for accuracy so he must
correct an error in a recent PAW notes when he
relocated Charleston, S.C., to North Carolina. We have learned that BILL JOHNSTONdied June 8, 2018, in New Jersey, and JIM COMPTON Oct. 19, 2018, in California.
6 Feb 2019 If it had not been for his son-in-law's
research and persistence, JERRY SORELL would
not have been in Montclair, N.J., last November
receiving the New Jersey Distinguished
Service Medal. Nor a few days later being But Jerry is most proud of his work with the
Counter-Intelligence Corps after the German
surrender. Utilizing his fluency in German,
he interrogated German military officials,
government officials and concentration camp
officials to uncover their roles in the Nazi regime. Born in Austria, Jerry fled the country with
his parents in 1938 after Hitler annexed it. He
ended up in New York, where he graduated
from the New York High School of Music
and Arts. He was concertmaster and soloist Sadly we note the passing of GEORGE FRENCH Nov. 5, 2018, in Oakland, Calif., and JIM BILLINGTON, class valedictorian and 13th Librarian of Congress, Nov. 20, 2018, in Washington, D.C.
9 Jan 2019 News from the postcards with more to come in future issues. Class authors are still writing: MACK BLACK has just published The Parrot Man: A Baseball
Story. Mack recommends it "for parents and BILL HAYNES, one of our Princeton, N.J., contingent, attended his 74th reunion at the U. S. Merchant Maritime Academy last year. You may recall that Bill is also an author who recounted his early career as cadet-midshipman and deck officer, and his adventures as ship's medical officer in the 1950'S, in his book, Sea Time. Una and GUS FLEISCHMANN, as is their
custom, spent last summer on Cape Cod.
All went well until Una fell in mid-August,
prompting eight stitches in her leg. Though
Gus did not mention it, we assume she was Good to hear from several of our associates: Evelyn Fisher from Annapolis, Md.; Ange Fryer
from Buffalo, N.Y.; and Honor Maclean from We extend our sympathy to KEN UNDERWOOD , who wrote that Barbara, his wife of more than 58 years, and whom he visited in a nursing home daily for more than six years, died just short of her 89th birthday.
5 Dec 2018 Great to receive cards prompted by our class
letter. Please keep them coming. Here's news
from some of the first received which have a BILL GILBERT reported from Hilton Head, S.C., that they have an active alumni club, which among other events sponsors an "Honor the Old Guard." As the oldest alum there, he proudly held the club's version of "The Cane" for all of an hour, as 50 or so club members honored him at a recent gathering. HUGH MORGAN wrote that the most
significant Princeton event for Ann and him
since our 65th reunion was unexpectedly "walking into" KENT YOUNG, when they both
were at the University of North Carolina for And speaking of North Carolina, FRANK DOWD wrote from there that he and his wife, Anne, are happily living on their farm in Wesley Chapel. Sadly, we have lost three classmates in
recent months: DAVE CRAFTS died Sept. 26, in
his Mt. Adams, Ohio, home; KEN TWITCHELL died Oct. 1, in Berlin, Vt.; and S[EMCER EDMUNDS died Oct. 7, in Roanoke, Va. 7 Nov 2018 Please note that your scribe's phone number on the recent class letter is incorrect. The number 314 698 2614. The passing of LEN PALIN recalled that he was one of our six classmates who lettered in all three years of playing varsity football. Remember that freshmen were not eligible to play varsity in our day. Who were the six? The answer is below . Perhaps you didn't know that our class has an active ambassador. TOM LOWRIE'S business card identifies him as Ambassador, USA Pickle ball Association, Westport, Conn. How many 90-year-old ambassadors are there? When we reported in the last notes that Anne Buxton had hosted the annual Charleston, N.C., reception for the area's Class of 2022, little did we know that soon thereafter she would undergo back surgery. At last report Anne was home and recovering well. An undergraduate memory: Your scribe,
a chemical engineer, took an elective in
astronomy. At the start of the course, the
professor asked if all had their textbook;
then he further explained why that particular
book was required. His explanation was
quite compelling. "You'll see that the book's
authors are Duggan, Russell, and Stewart," he
announced. Then he continued, "Duggan is
dead; Russell is retired; and I am Stewart." Any BOB BATCHELAR died Aug. 19, in Camp Hill, Pa., and KEN BALDWIN Sept. 18, in Dallas. Football answer: DON COHN (53), JULIE BUXTON (78), JACK MCKENNA (86), LEN PALIN (63), JACK POWERS (92), and GEORGE SELLA (93). After football, they became a lawyer, doctor, aerospace executive, minister, insurance underwriter, and chemical company CEO.
24 Oct 2018 Good to hear from Anne Buxton. She and her daughter Lucy '86 hosted the annual Charleston (SC) Club reception for the area's Class of 2022 Tigers that Anne has hosted at her home for many years. When speaking with DAVID MILLER recently, your scribe learned that the count of his hour-long weekly NPR program, Swinging Down the Lane with David Miller, had now exceeded 1,880. He also reported he had compled his autobiography at 26 chapters, but is withholding its publication "pending writing the epilogue". Like many fo us, David had had a bucket list. He is down to one now: attending our 70th. We were saddened to learn the BILL CAMPBELL's wife of 67 years, Betts, died of cardiac arrest July 21. Belated word had reached us that LEN PALIN died May 17, in California. With football season well underway, it's noteworthy that Len, a lineman, was one of our sic classmates who lettered all three seasons of plaving varsity ball.
3 Oct 2018 Your scribe noted that in June the Princeton
lightweight crew after winning its first two
races at Henley, was barely edged out in its
third race by the Yale heavies. Yes, heavies.
Which brought to mind that in 1948 our Speaking of 1948, how many of you remember the fall opening of the $7,000,000 Firestone Library, 1915 Dormitory and Dillon Gymnasium, completely refurbished after the fire of a few years before? Our sympathy goes to TOM LOWRIE, whose wife, Jean, died on May 19, a month before their 58th wedding anniversary. News of the loss of two classmates has reached us. ED LAWRENCE, who rowed on the 150s, died in Saratoga Springs, N.Y., July 27. BILL SCHLUTER, varsity hockey player and executive committee member, died in Princeton, N.J., Aug. 6.
12 Sep 2018 When this column signed off in early June, Justify, partly owned by BO NIXON and his son, Ted '74, had won the Kentucky Derby and Preakness and was in New York at Belmont awaiting the last race of the Triple Crown. You can see BO and Ted pictured in the Class of '74 notes with Justify just after he won the Belmont Stakes and became the 13th horse to win the Triple. An ankle condition has dictated his retirement, but a productive life ahead as a stud isn't bad for the 3-year-old. Incidentally, Ted has informed us that they have a colt that looks like a promising candidate for the 2019 Derby. The Chinese, who are part owners, refer to the colt as "Jin Hu," but with Princeton ownership involved, his official track name, "Golden Tiger," is one that we will recognize. DICK FORD joined our growing ranks of
nonagenarians. Wife Phoebe wrote that his
90th birthday celebration pre-empted their
presence at Reunions. In May, your scribe, with wife Garie, not
only represented our class at the Princeton
Club of St. Louis' 143rd annual dinner, but
also was recognized as the oldest alum in
attendance, edging out the younger Cliff Kurrus We were saddened to learn that BILL HUGHES died in Arizona June 21, and AL APPLEGATE died in Michigan July 22.
11 Jul 2018 The rain and mud certainly did not dampen the exuberance of BO NIXON and his son, Ted '74, on a Saturday afternoon in early May when a dream came true. They were at Churchill Downs in Louisville soon after their Starlight Racing Partnership's horse, Justify, won the 144th Kentucky Derby and their other entry, Audible, finished third. Scroll ahead two weeks and imagine the identical conditions and picture of BO and Ted at Baltimore's Pimlico track, where Justify won the Preakness, the second leg of racing's Triple Crown. At this writing, Justify is in New York readying for the Belmont Stakes, the third leg of the Crown. Our 68th is history. ABBOTTS, MARY ALEXANDER H'5O, ANDERSON H'5O, CAMPBELL, CRONHEIM, DIPPEL, DUNCAN, ERDMAN, HAYNES, MCALPIN, RIVINUS, ROBINSON, ROSE, SCHLUTER , and YOUNG attended the Friday-evening dinner at the Nassau Club, where DAVE MCALPIN gave a touching memorial to our classmates who died since our 67th. Though rain and lightning led to the official cancellation of the P-rade, Class of 50 stalwarts, CAMPBELL, HAYNES, ROSE AND SCHLUTER , led by a bag-piper and as part of the Old Guard, made it to the reviewing stand. MALCOLM MACLEAN died April 22, and GEORGE SCHMIDT died May 2.
6 Jun 2018 When RICK SHANLEY wrote from Florida he confessed there was "not much to say". He described his life there as "quiet and rather vapid." Incidentally, he, as others, have lamented PAW's limited coverage of football. A remedy to this is just within reach via your computer. The official athletic website of Princeton, goprincetontigers.com, covers all 37 of our athletic teams throughout the year, and in timely detail during their seasons. Received some news from ROLLIE MINDA, who celebrated his 93rd in April. We well remember our 2007 mini-reunion in Minneapolis that he and wife Merle hosted. They have cut back on travel, as have many of us. By now, Merle is back driving after knee replacement surgery several months ago. As Bugs Bunny said, "That's all, folks." Or to paraphrase O.M. Hubbard: Your old scribe in socks; Went to his mailbox To get more news for these notes; . 15 May 2018 Your scribe was amused by a letter from
Roland Frye '72 published in the 3/21/2018 issue
of PAW in which he describes 10 attempts to
steal a clapper during his freshman year. Nine
failures, but finally success on the 10th, if you
count "success" as stealing some screws from
the bell-ringing mechanism, taken when the
thief realized "he had the wrong sized wrench." Twenty-two years earlier, we '50ers were
far more successful. BOB FOWLER, JIM ROBERTSON, DAVID SPANEL, and Henry The 1950 Nassau Herald recorded that our
class "enthusiasm" netted a record number of
clappers and "probably helped significantly Sadly, we lost two classmates recently. BOB FOWLER, the last surviving member of the first
clapper team, died Jan. 12. DAVE BILLINGTON, a
25 Apr 2018
"My father
is not online
and therefore I
am relaying this
message on his For the record, Jim was born in Yonkers, N.Y., July 8,1924. A scan of our Nassau Herald and recent news that DWITHT LIVINGSTONE died May 17, 2017, revealed that of our 28 vintage classmates born in 1924, Jim is the sole survivor. None of the 13 classmates born before 1924 are still with us.
11 Apr 2018 BILL HAYNES, CHARLIE ROSE and Jean Fox attended the alumni weekend Service of Remembrance. Charlie represented our class in the memorial wreath procession, which remembered 34 classmates. The pipe band is ready to lead us in the P-rade marking our 68th. For us, reunion weekend starts Friday, June 1, with dinner at a modest cost planned at the Nassau Club. As Old Guard, rooms are free at Forbes, where meals can be had. Carts will be available throughout the weekend, so getting around will be easy. Seeking news for these notes, your scribe followed up on a note from BOB KELLY, who mentioned that LANSE HOSKINS occasionally drives over from his Cleveland home for lunch when the two reminisce over Princeton times. Bob lives in Wyoming, not the state, but a
rural community (Pop: 428) in western New
York, where his forefathers had lived. Joining
many of us as nonagenarians this month, he
reported that his three sons have produced He has long since been retired from Perkin- Elmer in Connecticut, and now resides on a 50-acre plot that was part of his father's original farm. It is mostly treed with black walnuts that delight the squirrels. Bob has culled the trees near his house, split the wood, and enjoys open fires during the winter. He volunteered that black walnut gives less heat than oak and other hard wood, and more ashes whose disposal offers him a chance to exercise. Just a month ago this column carried news received earlier from Allan Ryysylainen, and noted that he was our second-oldest living classmate. Sadly, we just learned that Allan died in St. Marys, Ga., Jan. 29.
21 Mar 2018 Who else but our David Miller could attract so many attractive Tigers? Which raises the obvious question: How? Seems David is a season-ticket holder for the repertory theater in Little Rock, where he lives. While perusing the playbill for its Christmas production of The Gift of the Magi, he noted that one of the four actors had gone to Princeton. She was Sandy York '92, actor- singer based in New York City. So naturally he invited her to join the local alumni group for a luncheon at the Clinton Library. Present were ,Valerie Kelly '84, Betty Jo Ward S'55, Miriam Pearsall '15, Sandy York '92, Anna "Lizzie" Phillips '13, Allison Light '18, and David. We are indebted to Sandy, who manages to
be the class secretary of 1992 while "treading the
boards" for the photo, which she sent via an email Your scribe has learned of the loss of three
classmates, two with whom he had roomed: .JIM HITZROT died Dec. 20, 2017, in Massachusetts,
7 Mar 2018 Allan Ryysylainen wrote from St. Mary's,
Ga., that he and Sandra celebrated their 72nd-
wedding anniversary Dec. 22. Could theirs be our WILL RIVINUJS is obviously not perishing as
he has recently published What Happened to the Trees of Bucks County (Pa). It's a fascinating Going Back: Class Favorites from our 1950 Nassau Herald: Hemingway topped Shakespeare as author; Beethoven beat Bach as composer; Vassar edged Smith as women's college. When asked what change we would make in Princeton, "Make It Coed" received the most votes by far; "Abolish Theses" nosed out "Women after Seven." Well, two out of three is not bad! News reached us that BILL WALLACE died Dec. 16, 2017, in Florida; and JIM HITZROT died Dec. 20, 2017, in Massachusetts.
7 Feb 2018 By the time these notes are published, your scribe and his wife, Garie, will have settled down in a residential apartment not far from their home of 49 years. ( new address 420 S Kirkwood Rd, St Louis MO 63122). With this move, the Princeton population of Bethesda Gardens will double as we join Cliff Kurrus '51, who has lived there for three years. Your scribe can now appreciate the notes
he has received from classmates who were
downsizing. Stuff sure accumulates over the Speaking of our 25th, a letter arrived from the Bendheim Center of Finance thanking our class for the endowment we started at our 25th with a book value of $57K. Its market value has now grown to $l.51M. Income this past year has supported the research of Dilip Abreu. You may remember that one year its income supported Ben Bernanke's research on the Great Depression, the findings that greatly helped his decision-making during his term as Federal Reserve chairman from 2006 to 2014. Our class ranks continue to thin. Our
sympathy goes to Jean Fox whose husband SID FOX died Nov. 12, 2017, in Campo, Calif. Sid had
served three, five-year terms as class secretary,
and was on our executive committee. Jean has
carefully chronicled our 26 off-campus mini-
reunions and now is our class associate chair.
Other losses: , JIM MARKS, who died Oct. 10,
2017, in Dallas; JIM CALDWELL died Nov. 1,
10 Jan 2018 The Rev.DAVID H MCALPIN JR, better known to us as Dave, was awarded the 2017 Frank Broderick Award last October at the Princeton-Blairstown Center's fall fundraiser, "Soiree Under the Stars." The Frank Broderick Award is given to an individual who demonstrates a deep commitment to social justice, compassion, and selflessness. It was fitting recognition of Dave's many years in the parish ministry and his leadership of the Trenton area Habitat for Humanity. Dave is an honorary trustee of the center, which for more than 100 years has provided adventure-based, experiential education to vulnerable youth. It began in 1908 as a summer camp run by Princeton University students and faculty and has evolved into a wide variety of year-round programs that serves more than 6,500 young people from the Mid-Atlantic States. BOB BROWN enjoyed a Mississippi River trip last summer on the Delta Queen with friend Barbara Schlatter, who he said shopped at all the stops. He emphatically stated, "I did not!" Upon his return, he moved to the Swan Creek Retirement Community in Toledo, Ohio, letting one of his sons and family take over his old homestead not far away. We lost two classmates recently. GEORGE MATTHEISSEN died May 15, 2017, in Chester, Conn., and LEN BOGAEV died Oct. 20, 2017, in
6 Dec 2017 A recent PAW (Oct. 4, 2017) described the
incoming Class of 2021 in glowing terms. This
came as no surprise to your scribe, since 2021 Now on to classmate news. GUS FLEISCHMANNis the proud grandfather of Kayla Bruce (Tulane '16 *17), who has been awarded a Fulbright scholarship for research studies in Uganda. BILL CAMPBELLis still enjoying family reunions, the latest in Connecticut. Ages at the latest ranged from his 14-month-old great- grandson (potential Class of 2038) to 91 years. Obviously, the latter was Bill's. RAOPH CARDELLO wrote that he had "nothing really new to report," and then added
that he and Gloria had celebrated their 65th
wedding anniversary. That may not be new, but it's certainly newsworthy. By now, it's their
66th since they were married Nov. 3, 1951, in
Queens, N.Y. Like 27 other classmates, they
live in New Jersey. However, their children are JACK ROBINSON wanted us to know that "much to the disgust of my friends and relatives, I'm still around." Actually, Jack, I am certain most of your classmates are pleased to hear you are still kicking.
8 Nov 2017 Both Jim Wallace, our class treasurer, and your scribe are always gratified to receive notes from our loyal class associates. They come from all over the country with California nosing out New York in the latest receipts. From New York, Anne RUPPEL (PHIL'S widow) wrote that Phil's great-grandson, Louie Lawrence Brandt, arrived last December. He is the grandson of Laurence Levine '63. Lest we forget, Phil served as a Marine lieutenant in Korea, where he was awarded the Purple Heart. From South Carolina, ANNE BUXTON (JULIAN'S widow) reported that she again
hosted the Princeton Club of Charleston
annual "Welcome to Princeton BBQ," which
brought the members of the Class of 2021
together with present students and alumni.
Recalling our 2001 mini reunion in Charleston,
hosted by Anne and Julian, the BBQ and From California, Allison WILSON (DAVE'S widow) wrote, "Sorry, no news in my case is good news." Not to be sorry, Allison; that's the best kind of news for us. A letter from Alexandra CHON (DON'S daughter) described a successful year for the Donald J. Cohn Scholarship Fund at the Riverdale (Bronx, NYC) Neighborhood House. She and Eva (Don's widow) attended the 2017 graduation ceremony, where stipends were given to seven graduates. She wrote, "Don would have been so proud of these young men and women."
25 Oct 2017 It seems that much of the "news" your scribe receives these days is about the past. TOM FISHER'S widow, Evelyn, wrote that Tom, who played varsity soccer, enjoyed recounting a game against Navy in Annapolis. He recalled kicking the ball into the Severn River, thus delaying the game until the ball was retrieved. Watching college soccer today, your scribe wonders whether the kids who now carry spare balls up and down the sidelines wear swim suits at Annapolis? But 70 years later, the soccer field has surely been relocated, at taxpayer expense. Did you know that you might have sat on
the creation of a classmate? Never fear, you did
no damage. ROBIN LITTLE designed the seat The Aug. 21 solar eclipse brought to mind our classmate BILL WELBON,, who died in 2008. Bill's passion was observing solar eclipses. Over a period of 58 years he observed 22 total solar eclipses around the world. His observations qualified him for the achievement, much sought by eclipse watchers, of observing at least one hour of total darkness. Besides writing this column and memorials
(too many, unfortunately), your scribe keeps busy
at his summer home in Rockport, Mass., making
4 Oct 2017 As your scribe awaits news from the class-dues solicitation, he has gleaned some bits from recent correspondence. BILL WALLACE is still living in St. Petersburg with wife Sally. His clan numbers three children and six grandchildren. KEN UNDERWOOD reports that he and wife Barbara are as "together as we can be after 57-plus years of marriage," despite Barbara's confinement to a nursing facility due to major mobility issues. LANSE HOSKINS has become a member of
the No-News-Is-Good-News Club upon reporting
that he and wife Patience are well in Ohio, as has When sending JOE GREEN'S obituary from Cincinnati, DAVE CRAFTS wrote that their monthly luncheon group offive is now down to three. Their first member, VADEN FITTTON, died two years ago. JIM GARVEY, BEN LAWRENCEand Dave plan to continue the luncheon tradition and will attend Joe's memorial service on Oct. 2l. We are always glad to hear from associates: Joan ROBERTS (HOWARD''s widow), Ter Norton (TOM PAINE's widow), Evelyn FISHER (TOM's widow), and Karla COSTEN (BILL's widow), who has relocated from St. Louis to Cincinnati.
13 Sep 2017 In response to recent notes about class authors, "FAX" CONQUEST, aka "Doc C," wrote from
Virginia that he became a professional writer
in 1970 when he had a poem published in
the Wall Street Journal and received a check
for it from Dow Jones. In 1994, he published a
book of poems, Where The Wind Takes Me. In
recent years he has been writing song lyrics Hey, you '50 writers, send me more about your authorships. A call from JEREMY MAIN in Connecticut
revealed that he is still playing tennis, but as
many of us have already learned, the game
is slowly getting ahead of him. He retired in
1991 after spending his career with Time/ Life, writing for Fortune and Money. He now
edits a periodic newsletter for Time alums,
which number about 1,800. Like many of
us, he is trying to keep-abreast of evolving
communication technology, and has the added The summer has not been kind to our
class as news of classmates' passing, arrived.
In 2016, MARK ROBINSON died Jan. 1 in
Alburquerque, N.M., and HANK SPITZ died
May 17 in Bozeman, Mont. This year BEN DOANE died May 5 in Nova Scotia; HEW RYAN
May 23 in Tuscaloosa, Ala.; DICK MAAG May
26 in Charlotte, N.C.; BILL TAYLOR May 29 in
12 Jul 2017 Our 67th reunion featuring a Friday-night dinner
at Forbes is now history. Classmates attending
them were associate Deeann Gutenkunst, and The traditional bagpipe band led our class
in the P-rade where BILL HAYNES, KENT YOUNG and CHARLIE ROSE rejected motor transportation and walked the route. This year BILL SCHLUTER became the eighth member of '50 to be recognized by The Order of the Claw Yet another classmate joined the ranks of class authors when ROBIN KNOX LITTLE published The Second of July. His book has been in the works since 1991, when he began to seriously research and write this historical novel, which is now in an illustrated 8-by- 11, hardbound form. It recounts the three- generation story of Robin's family, starting with their immigration to America from Ireland in 1830, and closing with their role in the opening of the West and the dawn of the Aviation Age. It draws its name from the day in 1863 when Robin's great uncle, Lt. Edward Knox, led his artillery battery in a delaying action in the Peach Orchard at Gettysburg. For his bravery, he was later awarded the Medal of Honor. Our sympathy goes to DAVE MILLER, whose wife, Latitia "Tish," died in Little Rock, Ark., May 20. We fondly remember RUSS SPENCER, who
died Sept. 16, 2016, and LLOYD COTSEN and KEITH LORING, both of whom died May 8.
7 Jun 2017 We hadn't heard from HAL STOCKER for a
while, so his recent note brings us up to date. After a 28-year career in internal medicine at BILL WINTERS, another M.D., retired
after a six-decade cardiovascular career,
which included presidency of the American
College of Cardiology and co-developer
of echocardiology. Joining the ranks of our
class authors, he published Rumination of a
Cinquainist, No, a cinquainist is not a medical
practitioner, but one who composes cinquains
(i.e., five-line limericks). Barb and Bill will
remain in the Houston area, where their sons PETE ERDMAN, who alerted us to his childhood neighbor BOB DOUGHERTY's death, wrote that he continues to enjoy life at the senior-living community Stonebridge at Montgomery, just outside Princeton. With family living nearby and endless activities in the community, Pete says "there's plenty to keep my old bones busy." April saw the passing of three classmates. BILL BERNART died April 6, in North Carolina, Bob Dougherty died April 9, in New Jersey, and WALLY WALLACE died April 16, in Pennsylvania.
17 May 2017 Another classmate joins the list of Class of 1950 authors. In November BILL CARSON published
his book, He Moved West with America, The Life Bill's family continues its Princeton legacy. His daughter, Laura, is Class of 1984. His oldest granddaughter is Class of 2016; grandson is Class of 2019; and now his youngest granddaughter is in the Class of 2021. From across the pond, GEORGE BAILEY
credits cycling and swimming for his good
health. He also wrote that he frequently sees
Elizabeth and JOHN SCOTT , who live nearby
in London. Our other two UK residents are TED BUTTREY, retired classics professor at
Cambridge, and COLUMBUS O'DONNELL in
Oxton. (Incidentally, Bill Carson's daughter, Across another pond, this one the Pacific, CHARLIE SLACK reports from western Australia that he "loves old age," finding it a great excuse to use on occasion. Don't we all? Our class has been diminished by three . JOHN BROTHERTON died Jan. 26 in New Jersey, ART THOMAS died March 7 in Michigan, and
26 Apr 2017 There was a feature in New Jersey's Star-
Ledger last June entitled, "At 90, North Caldwell
man fiddles his way through life." Turns out
that man was our classmate, JERRY SORELL. It seems that 10 years ago Jerry started giving Jerry started playing the violin when he was
nine and studied at the Vienna Conservatory
before his family left Austria in 1938. They
eventually landed in New York, where he resumed
playing the violin at the High School of Music and
Art. After serving in a heavy-weapons company It is always a pleasure to get acquainted with
the undergraduates who work at Reunions,
and especially to learn later about their
achievements. Your scribe remembers Ellen
Dobrijevic '17 from our 65th. Ellen, a native On a sad note, we have lost three classmates: Clem Bowen died Feb. 1, in Delaware; Bernie Adams died Feb. 26, in Colorado; and Bob Schelling died March 5, in Quebec.
11 Apr 2017 What is a better thing to do when you retire
other than to write a book? That's exactly
what BILL SCHLUTER has done. His book, Soft Bill called upon his long involvement in New Jersey politics, which started with election as a Pennington (N.J.) City councilman in 1963, and eventually led to New Jersey assemblyman in 1987, and state senator in 1991. When your scribe asked if he expected repercussions, Bill replied, "I'm sure there will be plenty from New Jersey political powers. Will keep you posted." DICK RHAME, now retired from active practice of urology, has settled in Middlesex County, Va., on the Piankatank River about five minutes away from the Chesapeake Bay. He finds it convenient for sailing and close enough to Richmond to keep the synapses open as a volunteer general doctor at a free health clinic. On a sad note, FRED SEELEY wrote from
Cape Cod that Barea, his wife of 63 years, died
Nov. 27, after several years of declining health.
She was a lifelong music composer, artist, and award-winning. biographer.
22 Mar 2017 Even though he resides on the "left" coast, as TONY REYNOLDS describes his residency in
California, he, like all of us, applauded the 2016 Last December while participating in a Road
Scholar (aka Elderhostel) Christmas program
in San Diego, your scribe and his wife enjoyed a Your scribe learned recently of the DONALD J COHN Scholarship Fund at Riverdale (NY) Neighborhood House. The fund is in honor of our classmate, Don, who as a mentor, teacher, and community activist contributed so much beyond his profession as a lawyer to those around him. FROM THE PAST: In Judge Standish
Medina '37's remarks at our class dinner in
December 1949, he noted "that things have
changed at Princeton in the last 12 years. In
my day, for instance, girls appeared on the
campus in any quantity on only one weekend a
year, house parties in the spring. Now (1949) it
seems that practically every football weekend STAN UDY died Dec. 2, 2016, presumably in Hanover, N.H., where he was a retired sociology professor at Dartmouth.
1 Mar 2017 BILL BROWN is still writing and waiting for The Wiz to get back on Broadway. Bill wrote the book for the show that won seven Tonys in 1975. His work as a writer and cartoonist includes two syndicated comic strips, network TV credits, and successful musicals in regional theater. He now resides in Connecticut where he lists his business as "writer." BOB CRONHEIM has joined the ranks of great-grandfathers with the birth of a great- granddaughter in December. Though the parents are both Cornell graduates, Bob acknowledged that they produced a beautiful baby girl. JIM MACWHINNEY's widow, Nancy,
reported that their granddaughter, Shira
Cramer, was one of the authors of a significant
research study, which addressed a contributing
factor in cancer growth. The report was BO NIXON wrote. "All is well." He works out three times a week and still plays golf. (No comment on his scores.) Over the past year, he and Edie have traveled from their Louisville home to spend time in Michigan and South Carolina. DAVE MCALPIN has a new neighbor. PETE ERDMAN has moved into the senior community near Princeton where Dave resides. Dave's family ties with Princeton were again reinforced when his granddaughter, Ava McAlpin' 09, married Townsend Wells '08 in September. The fall 2016 edition of Princeton
International featured an article on a study of
Russian children's books published during the
first two decades of the Soviet era. The books
were an attempt to introduce Russian children
to politics and give them a basic picture of how
the world works, but with "a strong backlash
against fairy tales, God, and religion." The
8 Feb 2017 Much news from California. JEAN and SID FOX caught up with former California resident DAVE JORDAN in Ramona in late summer when Dave was there to attend the service of the priest who had conducted his wife, Bea's, service. We remember Dave as host of our 1998 mini-reunion in San Diego. He now lives in Pennsylvania . JOHN GEBHARD wrote that he has moved
to Belmont Assisted Living in Rancho Palos
Verdes to be near his daughter Carolyn.
Unfortunately, he broke his ankle after the
move but was assured by his doctor that in time Also from California, DAVE WILSON'S widow, Allison, wrote that she had two small TIAs in September. She was released from the hospital after two weeks of therapy and is now cleared to drive locally. She sent her "best" wishes to all '50S classmates." And we to her. ERNIE RUBENSTEIN and HAROLD SMITH responded to the note on Princeton's 1946 17-14 upset win over third-ranked Penn. Ernie described it as "the most exciting and biggest upset I have ever witnessed." Harold described how John Gebhard invited Bill Hughes and him to ride to Philadelphia in John's brother's Model A Ford coupe. The ensuing story, which includes a blown tire and flipped car, is fully recorded on the class web page (Princeton1950.com). Speaking of Penn games, last fall "TEX' LAMASON, CHARLIE ROSE, and BILL HAYNES watched as the Tigers rolled to a convincing 28-0 win. At halftime, Bill was announced from the stands as a WWII and Charlie as a Korean veteran as part of the Veterans' Remembrance Day. DICK DITTMAN died in West Hampton.
11 Jan 2017
Shades of Orange - Anne Buxton version: "On Sept. 1, I hosted the Princeton Club of Charleston (South Carolina) when we welcomed six new students from the area. We had a great barbecue dinner. Must have been 50-60 people here. Orange and black banners and Tigers galore." Gleaned from the Class of1950 website (www.princeton1950.com): Our original gift from class insurance some 40 years ago to the Bendheim Center for Finance has grown to almost $1.4 million. Last year, income from this endowment supported the research of Dilip Abreu *85, professor of finance and economics. We just learned from Bill Montgomery's son, John, that Bill died Jan. 26, in Arizona. Our honorary classmate and former University president, Bill Bowen *58, died Oct. 20, in Princeton. As provost, Bill was a principal architect of plans to bring coeducation to the University.
7 Dec 2016 WALLY GREEN wrote from Florida, "At our age, no news is good news." Your scribe certainly agrees, but adds that news for this column is also good. Cee and JOHN MINTON have moved back to St. Louis where he had gone to prep school and lived off and on during his business career. They are moving from Florida, but plan to revisit there for a couple months in the winter. Always interested in University affairs, John questioned the change in the University's motto in a recent letter to PAW. When JIM BILLINGTON was Librarian of
Congress, he once said that the library was
afflicted with "Rat Pack-ism." Your scribe
can be accused of the same affliction, for in
his files he recently found a letter from Judge When reporting TOM PAINE's death earlier, your scribe recollected that two of our classmates became vintners: Tom in Napa Valley, and DAVE PARK in the St. Emilion district of France. Were there more? Our living class dwindles as we received news that BILL AHRENS died in Fla. Sept. 20, and Joell Nixon in Colo. Oct. 6.
9 Nov 2016 On Nov. 2, a few days more than 70 years ago, Princeton upset Penn(17-14), which was ranked third nationally in football, before 72,000 fans at Franklin Field. In The New York Herald Tribune, Stanley Woodward reported that at the game's end the "implausible brats" from Princeton stormed the field, tore down the goal posts, and locked horns with Philadelphia's mounted police who were trying to restore order. Your scribe wonders whether any of you were one of those "implausible brats." (He was running cross country in Cambridge that day and missed out, though ended up with a piece of a goal post that he has donated to Princeton's Department of Athletics.) STU HAYES , former physics and math teacher at Lawrenceville, devotes much of his time in his Colorado home studying and writing about biblical history. He has just published The Gospel of John - Does It Have Historical Validity? The book is available through Amazon. A good amount of the news we receive deals
with offspring, since it seems we are becoming
more observers than activists. BILL CAMPBELL, ROBIN LITTLE, who was deeply involved with the design and development of Boeing's 700 series airplanes, announced that Carol and he welcomed their first great-granddaughter into the world last year. She joins four great-grandsons. RALPH CARDELLO, former Exxon engineer now residing in assisted living in Arbor Glen, Bridgewater, N.J., wrote that his oldest grandson is a policeman in Philadelphia and another grandson is a fighter pilot in Iraq. We were sorry to hear from CAREY MATTHIESSEN's wife that he is in poor health. We received news from DC that GEORGE CHAPMAN, a Georgetown biology professor, died Sept.7.
26 Oct 2016 Recent notes from classmates have described
their summer "adventure." Your scribe uses
the term "adventure" might well be a trip to the From New York, LOU LANGIE not only
claimed he caught a 17 lb. lake trout in Lake
Ontario, he verified the August catch with a
photo of him with the fish. Lou retired from
banking in 1989 and has spent much time with From Ohio, ..JIM WALLACE wrote that he and Aline, with their daughter and son-in- law, traveled in France for two weeks, visiting Normandy by riverboat. They stopped in Iceland during their return to the states. From Illnois, DICK MENTZINGER described an East Coast visit to family and friends in Vermont and Philadelphia. Along the way he saw DAVE MCINTOSH "who is just fine." From Connecticut, ROGER SMITH went north to Squam Lake in N.H. for a reunion attended by 42 family members. From Massachusetts, GUS FLEISCHMANN summarized his summer on Cape Cod as "good" with one exception. Indeed, a big
exception! Gus wrote that during an after-
dinner walk, Una and he encountered four boys
with a dog. The dog suddenly leaped up and
took a big hunk out of Una's left forearm. She
ended up in Boston's Mass General Hospital We were saddened to learn that BILL HAUGAARD died in Florida July 30, and TOM PAINE died in San Diego Aug. 16. Our
sympathy goes to DAVE BILLINGTON, whose
wife, Phyllis, died in California, Sept. 3, after a
5 Oct 2016 CHARLIE KRIGBAUM sends "his warm greetings to fellow classmates" from his home in Hamden, Conn. Charlie retired from Yale where he was university organist and professor in the school of music in 1999. Since that time he has enjoyed travelling and visits with his three children and four grandchildren. From the West Coast and Menlo Park, TONY REYNOLDS reports that despite being
in Stanford territory he is eager to hear
from classmates and about Princeton sports
and academic achievements. He talks via Two of our classmates, JIM CALDWELL and BOB BROWN, were graduates of the
Kiskiminetas Springs School (aka Kiski) just east Since news from classmates is slow, the following history of Kiski seemed worthy of these notes. In 1888, Andrew W. Wilson, Class of 1883, a cousin of President Woodrow Wilson, purchased a resort for the purpose of transforming the facility into a first-class preparatory school for boys to rival any of its East Coast counterparts. By 1894, Kiski had graduated 42 boys, 26 of whom matriculated at Princeton. At this writing we bid farewell to three classmates. GEORGE ZABRISKIE died in Bozeman, Mont., July 19. DICK MCCLELLAND died in Charlotte, N.C., July 28. LEW BANCROFT died Aug. 3, in Wilmington, Del.
14 Sep 2016 A summer art museum exhibition of photography, "Ansel Adams to Edward Weston," recognized the "transformative impact" on the museum of DAVE MCALPIN's father, Class of 1920. The exhibit was drawn mostly from McAlpin's 1971 gift of over 500 photographs. The exhibit included a study of McAlpin's pursuit of photographs by Adams and Weston based on hundreds of pages of archival material donated by Dave. In this spring's Eastern Sprints (150'S), Princeton was the only program to medal in all five rowing finals. BILL VAN CLEVE's grandsons were significant contributors. Will Van Cleve '17 rowed on the first varsity and Billy Van Cleve '17 on the fourth. "DUTCH" PRIOLEAU wrote that Bill's grandsons got the better of one of his grandsons, Luke Prioleau, who captained the Georgetown lightweight crew. "Dutch" also wrote that during Reunions weekend he was in Fort Worth, Texas, at grandchild Claire's graduation from the All-Saints Episcopal School. He had a nice chat with its headmaster, Dr. Tad Bird, who is the son of our classmate HANK BIRD. He reminded Tad about Hank's stroking the 150-pound crew to a gold medal at the Thames Cup in the 1949 Royal Henley Regatta. It seems the University is never short
of awards. The 1942 Senior Dues Award
recognizes member participation for older
classes. This year for '65 and older classes,
Treasurer JIM WALLACE reported that our We were saddened to lose six classmates in recent months. HOWARD GRAY died on May 23, in South Dakota; PETER CLARK on June 2, in Texas; PHIL ENGEL on June 20, in New Jersey; CHARLIE GUTENKUNST on June 22, in Wisconsin; JOHN YARDLEY on July 5, in UK; ERIC STOCKHOLM on July 8, in New Jersey. From our original class of782, there are now 256 active members.
6 Jul 2016 Among CHARLIE ROSE'S duties as class
president is serving as Princeton stringer for
our Class Notes, From our 66th he reported Our guest on Friday evening was Mary Alexander, a former Maclean House staff member, who over the years quietly helped behind the scenes with class affairs. Chair of the Committee on Reunions, Tony
Fittizzi '97, presented BOB CRONHEIM with
the Society of the Claw for outstanding service
to Reunions. Though normally awarded on
major-reunion years, an exception was made
for Bob. AL ABBOTTSs and PETER ERDMAN The May 11 PAW carried a Department of
Art and Archaeology notice about the JAMES F HALEY Memorial Lecture by Columbia
Professor Barry Bergdoll. Its title: "Reading
Mile High: Frank Lloyd Wright Takes on Other news gleaned from PAW's June 1 issue noted that JACK BOGARDUS'S son, Steve '76, is in the cast of a new Broadway musical, Bright Angel. The show has already garnered five Tony Award nominations. DAVE MCALPIN, BILL HAYNES, and CHARLIE ROSE represented our class at the May 12
service for vice president STU DUNCAN'S wife, News has reached us that we have lost
three classmates recently, FRED "SNUFFY" KNIGHT died April 9 2016, in New Mexico; JOHN SPEED died April 23, 2016, in Louisville
and Lee Bellmer died April 30, 2016, in
1 Jun 2016 It is always gratifying to receive the annual report on scholarships. During the 2015-16 academic year, 17 undergraduates received aid from the 12 scholarships that are associated with the Class of '50. This year Princeton awarded $140 million in need-based financial aid. Most gratitying was that the average student debt at graduation at Princeton was lower than any other national university, and the average student debt at the second-ranked school was almost double that of the Princeton average. One aid recipient from the Class of '18 wrote, "Every day, I look around the beautiful campus and am astonished at this incredible opportunity I have been granted ... I am so blessed to go here." The Bendheim Center for Finance advised us that the funds our class provided, starting at our 25th and with a book value of $57,900, have grown to $1.46 million. Last year the income was used to support the research of Professor of Economics Wei Xiong. Some years ago, the income was used to provide data for Ben Bernanke's study of the 1929 recession, which served him well during his tenure as the chairman of the Federal Reserve. A few of you may recall that in 1966 your scribe and his wife spent the year traveling around the US visiting the 32 cities and towns named Princeton. Now, after 20 years, an account of this odyssey has taken book form, Breakfast in Princeton, USA with personal recollections, history, anecdotes, and photos of each community. It's available on Amazon.com, bookstores everywhere, or from your scribe. We are sad to report the recent loss of three classmates: BOB JONES died March 22 in Orleans, Mass.; ELMER "BO" LINDSAY died March 23 in Monterey County, Calif.; and BILL FLAMMER died April 7, 2016, in Gladwyne, Pa.
11 May 2016 BILL AHRENS sent a note some time ago that he had "become 90 in 2015 in the Florida sun." Your scribe apologizes for not reporting this landmark sooner, but will get ahead of the game by writing here that today, May 11, Bill is now just one day shy of 91. Happy Birthday eve, Bill! JIM WALLACE, our erstwhile treasurer who keeps class books in the black, wrote that he and Aline became great-grandparents again last July, While the newcomer lives in the same state as they, Ohio, the other two great- grandchildren live faraway in Alaska. DICK SHARRETT continues to follow his grandson Tyler's progress as a swimmer. Tyler keeps posting pre-Olympic times for his age group. DICK MENTZINGER says he is holding up
well since the second anniversary of Mary Jane's
death has passed. It must be in part that he MEADE TWITCHELLwrites that Inge, his wife of 48 years, is "looking after and spoiling me." They were about to move to The Barringtom, a new retirement community in Carmel, Ind., when he broke his hip. They did move, but he to the skilled-care facility and she to their apartment. We hope that, by now, therapy has enabled Mead to join Inge. Think about our 66th,
May 26-29, or at least our
class dinner in Fine Hall,
20 Apr 2016 Harking back to high school Latin, tempus sure
does "fugit." Not many months ago we were
celebrating our 65th. Now May 26 through
29, we will be Old Guard and P-rading at our
66th. Class prez CHARLIE ROSE has reserved
the Professors Lounge in Fine Hall for our
traditional Friday-night class dinner. The
University underwrites Old Guard lodging, and Your scribe was never one to wear a lapel pin until AI Abbotts unveiled our' 50 Tiger. Since then I have met Princetonians who might otherwise have "passed in the night." At lunch during a 2014 Road Scholar (aka Elderhostel) Christmas program in St. Augustine, Broadus Bailey saw the Tiger and announced himself as Class of ' 51. In April 2015 at a seminar on WWI at Oxford's St. Hugh's College, a dinner mate spotted the Tiger and identified himself as Markley Boyer' 55. At the bar aboard a Danube riverboat this past Christmas, David Rogers' wife recognized the Tiger and introduced her husband, Class of '88. At Reunions last May, MACK BLACK had
more than "going back" on his mind. He was
awaiting news of the birth of a grandchild
and a great-grandchild. Speaking with MACK
recently, I learned that they did arrive, so he
and his wife, Arlene, have two newcomers to
join an older great-grandchild. They are all
girls. MACK reported that Arlene had suffered
5 Apr 2016 When my broker called recently, I fully expected advice about stocks. Not so," Do you know about 'a Princeton'?" he asked. Never heard of it," I replied. Back around 1960, when he was a kid, his father cut his hair. If dad was in a good mood, he would give him "a Princeton". Otherwise , it was a "buzz job." Off to the net I found a picture of it in a 1961 Boys' Life and spent the next 10 minutes watching a barber, who talked the entire time, give a boy "a Princeton." It featured short bangs in the front with the rest a crewcut. Though in vogue a decade after we graduated, does anyone have memories of "a Princeton"? Thinking back, I recall in English 102 a short story as told by a barber. Our instructor was quite clear that he did not like the story for this simple reason: He did not like his barber talking while giving him a haircut. JIM BILLINGTON'S wife, Marjorie, sent
an interesting note relating to Jim's retirement
after 28 years as the Librarian of Congress. His
Sept. 30 retirement was the same morning
House Speaker John Boehner decided to retire.
She wrote that both had been inspired by Pope
Francis' visit the day before. The Pope had
presented Jim a new, illustrated manuscript of At this year's Alumni Day were "TEX" LAMASON
with wife Nancy, son Kip, and
daughter-in-law Kathy; BILL HAYNES with wife
who represented our class at the Service of On a sad note, we learned from a memorial in the Jan. 13 PAW that TEX'S son, Chip Lamason '76, died last July. Our sympathy goes to TEX and his family.
16 Mar 2016 DICK RHAME has finally retired from his
urology practice and has relocated from
Alexandria to Deltaville, Va., on the lower
Chesapeake Bay, where sailing opportunities
abound. However, he looks to nearby KENT YOUNG now lives full time in Centerville, Md., on the northern reaches of the Chesapeake Bay. He sold his other home in Maine to a Princeton sociology professor and his wife, who coincidentally turned out to be friends of his godson, BOB READ's son, Charlie. JOE GREEN has been happily settled for
over a year in Maple Knoll, a large senior center in the Cincinnati metro area. He lives
independently in a small cottage on the
center's campus. His time is filled with an
active music program, trips to Cincinnati, and
two-mile campus walks. Joe also finds it easy
to keep up with old friends and organizations
since the center is adjacent to his former
residence in Glendale. The longstanding Following up on the "Love" theme in the
previous issue of PAW, it is appropriate to
report that Nell and ROGER SMITH celebrated
their 60th anniversary last March, as well as the
marriages of their two eldest grandsons. Earlier in the year, their entire family, numbering 18, Carol and ROBIN LITTLE marked their 65th last June. Their family now includes five great- grandchildren from their 10 grandchildren. News arrived from Greenville, S.C., that JIM SHEPPARD died Dec. 20, 2015, after a brief illness.
2 Mar 2016 Though Valentine's Day has passed, it was PAW's Jan. 13 special section devoted to love and romance that inspired these notes. Sande and Allan Ryysylainen may be our
longest-married couple. Sande wrote that she
and Allan had recently celebrated their 70th
wedding anniversary with a family dinner on
Jekyll Island, Ga. Allan, a four-year veteran
before entering Princeton, met Sande at the
Naval Air Station in Daytona Beach, where they
were both serving in the Navy. They married They moved from New York state to a golf community in St. Mary's, Ga., about 10 years ago and they now "enjoy balmy weather and don't know what a snow blower is." Perhaps you missed the photo of Betty and Steve Zimmerman at 1950 Houseparties
on the index page of the Jan. 13 PAW. Here is
Steve's love story from the PAW website: "My
classmate and good friend, Gordon Taft,
had a blind date with a freshman at Vassar
in November of our senior year. Upon his
return, he described his date to a bunch of us
... 'gorgeous, statuesque, smile that lights up a
room, extremely bright, Southern accent you
could cut with a knife.' I said, 'I'm in love with
her, I'm going to her marry her.' Three and a
half years later, I did. Betty ("B.J.") and 1 have Little did your scribe realize on his first date with wife, Garie, that marriage - a mere 58 years and counting - was predestined. Her two sisters married only children: one a Yale graduate, the other, Harvard. Being an only child, who else to bring balance to her family? Our class is blessed with wives who are caring for husbands in poor health. We thank John Hutton's wife, Dolores; George Zabriskie's wife, Thyrza; and Bob Dougherty's wife, Patricia.
3 Feb 2016 In December, DAVE MCALPIN received
well-deserved recognition when he was
honored by the Princeton Area Community
Foundation with its 2015 Annual Leslie "Bud" Vivian Award for Community Service. The
presentation noted that Dave, "from a family
with a long history for philanthropy, established
the Trenton chapter of Habitat for Humanity in When reporting JOEL NIXON's move to Colorado in the last Class Notes, your scribe failed to point out that this move brings to seven the number of classmates residing in the Centennial State. He joins BERNIE ADAMS, JIM EARL, KARL GRUBER, STU HAYES, CALDWELL TOLL and CRAIG WALLACE. Our 1950 Nassau Herald revealed that Detroit was the farthest west any of them lived at graduation time. "Go west, young man"- though your scribe suspects most were not so young when they moved to Colorado since only two listed a Colorado address at our 25th. Roger Smith wrote from Connecticut that he and Nell are "happy and healthy," and that their first two grandsons were married in 2015. Your scribe is indebted to the readers of this column for noting that Nancy MACWHINNEY's name was misspelled in recent Class Notes. My apologies to Nancy. Farewell to three classmates: JOHN SIGAFOO died Sept. 29, 2015, in North Carolina. FRED SCHLUTER died unexpectedly Nov. 13, 2015, from a heart attack while visiting his daughters in Colorado. TOM FISHER died Nov. 25, 2015 in Pennsylvania.
13 Jan 2016 The editor of PAW recently passed on to your scribe a letter received from Austria. It was from Dr. Franz Moser who had been an exchange student in 1950. Here it is in its entirety: "It might be interesting, if possible, to bring up some reminiscences to some members of Dial Lodge, from an Austrian exchange student of 1950, Franz Moser, who still remembers some experiences of times past. "First, a weekend trip at the end of the year with DICK GAMBLE and JIM WALLACE to DC, where we enjoyed the coaster ride with these pretty dates from there. Or on the car trip together with DAVE MCALPIN to Minneapolis, Minn., where we both joined the YMCA students' seminar in which one day this preposterous Austrian proclaimed loudly: 'I am proud not to be a Christian". "And finally, the visit of PETE ERDMAN to Reutte/Tyrol (if I remember right in 1951) with his girlfriend and our skiing experience in Zugspitze, where coming down we gruesomely passed the graves of some avalanche victims of the day before. Times go by, but rememberances stay in the mind." GEORGE BAILEY writes that living in retirement in London is "a joy," with swimming and bicycling helping him maintain the body. JOEL NIXON writes that last May he and Elaine relocated from Tuscon to Wind Crest, a retirement community in Denver, wher they live independently and will be able to travel often. With regret we report tha FREEMAN GOSDEN died in Santa Barbara, Calif., Oct 26,2015. Freeman's wife, Dorothy, died just two months before him. JIM BEVERLEY, who withdrew from Princeton in 1948, died in Tulsa, Okla, Oce 27. VADEN FITTON died in Hamilton, Ohio Oct 29.
2 Dec 2015 JIM BILLINGTON has joined the ranks of retired classmates. After 28 years as the 13th Librarian of Congress, he retired at the end of September. No doubt Marjorie has been forewarned, as many of our spouses have been, "For better or for worse, but not for lunch." We are grateful to hear from our many
associates who continue with their class dues,
and especially with news. Anne BUXTON hosted last fall's meeting of the flourishing
Princeton Club of Charleston, S.C. She got help Carol POSTELL wrote that she is still living
in Vero Beach, Fla., where she looks forward
to visits from her three sons. Her grandchild
count is eight, ranging in age from 8 to 22. Nancy MACWHIPPEY wrote from New Georgia VAN CLEVE COLWELL reports that
her family's tradition continues at Princeton
as her granddaughter, Ella Van Cleve, entered News has reached llS that BILL KORNFELD died July 14 and DAVE EDDY died Sept. 21, both in Louisville, Ky. BILL BROWNE died Oct. 5 in Wisconsin.
11 Nov 2015 Long ago and far away- actually 1974- Bill Brown wrote the book for The Wiz, a
musical version of Frank Baum's The Wonderful
Wizard of Oz set in African-American culture. It
was a winner of seven Tony Awards including When your scribe and his wife visited the
boathouse on Lake Carnegie during Reunions
with "Dutch" Prioleau, a former Tiger
oarsman, we were treated to an array of historic
crew photos throughout the building. This Will has not neglected Princeton. He has penned histories of Colonial Club, Tower Club, Tiger Inn, and Terrace Club, the last being a cookbook. Una and Gus Fleischmann left their
home in Weston, Mass., and swelled the
population of Buzzard's Bay on Cape Cod
for almost three months this summer. Jim
Bralla, one of his Princeton roommates, and
Jim's wife, Martha-Jane, came down from
western Massachusetts to visit for several In case you missed it, PAW's Sept. 16 edition
listed an online feature about Dave and Jim
Billington titled Impressive Legacies. You can
21 Oct 2015 Recognition came from everywhere last spring to LANSE HOSKINS and his family. In March,
his artist daughter, Marta, who lives in Paris
and was the sole American actress in the
French film Le Dos Rouge/Portrait of the Artist
personally introduced its premiere showing
America at the Brooklyn Academy of Music
and Manhattan's Lincoln Center for the BILL AHRENS wrote from Vero Beach that he was confined to a wheelchair, but "feels great." RALPH CARDELLO wrote that he is settling into independent living at Arbor Glen Senior Center in Bridgewater, N.J. CHARLIE ROSE, incoming class president,
held his first executive committee meeting in
September and announced that the top of Fine HOWIE EFFRON, whose business ventures, both in number and uniqueness, were surely tops for our class, died Aug. 18, 20l5, in NYC.
7 Oct 2015 Most of us probably have not kept up with
the latest in recreational sports, but TOM LOWRIE has. Tom is "ambassador" for the
USA Pickleball Association in Westport, Conn. If you don't recognize "pickleball," it is a net DAVE MCALPIN has had a firsthand look at Cuba last January with a group from the Bronx Museum of Art. He specifically visited new art galleries created and operated by the artists under a new government policy to encourage private enterprise in tourism and the arts. Dave moved this summer from his longtime homestead in Skillman, N.J., to Stonebridge, a retirement community in Skillman where PETE ERDMAN has lived for several years. As an emeritus trustee of Habitat for Humanity of Trenton, Dave is hoping the town of Princeton will permit Habitat to build two affordable houses near the University. A while ago, Lela and JACK BOGARDUS moved from their Desert Mountain home in Scottsdale, Ariz., to a nearby retirement community called Vi at Silverstone. They are now within shouting distance, figuratively speaking, of Betty and STEVE ZIMMERMAN who are their neighbors in the same building and who have lived there for the past four years. The comment on a classmate's unsigned dues card last year read, "Still working and enjoying the cultural life of NYC". Your scribe awaits his report this year, preferabley signed, as well as an influx of news-bearing cards. We just learned that two classmates in Missouri have died: ED HUNVALD on June 27 in Columbia, and JACK GOESSLING on Aug.18 in St. Louis.
16 Sep 2015
With these notes, your scribe begins his
16th year as class secretary and adds to his
estimated 75,000 words in Class Notes. But
this in no way matches the contribution of Bill Dippel, who begins his 21st year as vice One locomotive: Dippel! A few post-65th items: Charlie Rose, our all-in-one class president, 65th reunion chairman, and webmaster, has published a detailed report of our 65th as well as links to photos on our class website. He also has noted with pride that our class was the first in recent history to stage a deficit-free 65th. We were shocked by the tragic death of John Nash *50 and his wife, Alicia, a few days before our reunion. They had been our reunion guests in previous years and had planned to join us at our Saturday dinner. On the return trip to their North Carolina
home, Ann and Hugh Morgan visited Ellen
and Gates Lloyd in Haverford, Pa., recapping
reunion events and presenting them with
greetings from classmates penned on a P-rade Our roster has diminished, as we have received news of the passing of classmates. Most recently, Paul Stavrolakes died March 20; Russell ",Joe" Kirby died May 14; Marcus "Pete" Aaron, May 28; John "Ben" Wren, June 4; and Bob Roth, June 7. Charles Dunlap, a Navy veteran
who left Princeton in 1948 and with whom
8 Jul 2015 The sun shone warmly, both
literally and figuratively,
on our 65th reunion. Our
contingent of 58 class
members grew to over 130
as kin and friends joined us at various times.
Present were: AI Abbotts, Dave
Beaty, Mack Black, Dave Billington,
Jim Billington, Jack Bogardus, John
Brotherton, Tom Carruthers, Bill
Carson, Chris Christensen, Bob
Cronheim, Bill Dippel, Stu Duncan Phil Engel, Pete Erdman, Bill Flammer
Dick Ford, Sid Fox, Jean Fox h'50, Les Freeman, Ted Friend, Jim Garvey
Gene Goldberg, Wally Green, Bill The many others who had hoped to be with us, but for various reasons could not make the trip to Tigertown, were recognized at our Saturday dinner by trumpet solo of "Auld Lang Syne" played by Mack Black's son, David. Dave McAlpin conducted the traditional Friday afternoon memorial service. His moving homily, the reading of the names of 124 classmates who had died since our 60th, and the close with "Old Nassau" stirred memories of departed friends and bygone days. On a lighter note, your scribe is pleased to report the following awards: hospitality, Nancy and Bill Schluter for hosting the Thursday evening reception and dinner at their 1838 home in Pennington, which was originally the Women's Presbyterian Seminary; vintner extraordinaire, Stu Duncan, who procured excellent white and reds bottled under our class logo; longest travel, Sue and Charlie Slack, who came from Perth, Australia - though Patricia and Ralph Moberly's "red eye" from Hawaii might have seemed the longest to them; age - youngest, Karlos Moser and oldest, Rollie Minda; most courageous: Merle Minda, who broke her wrist the night before leaving Minneapolis but insisted on coming, and arrived the next day with a plaster cast; Society of the Claw (the University's recognition of those who embody the spirit of Reunions through service and participation), Al Abbotts and Pete Erdman; and lifelong academic excellence, the honorary doctorate bestowed upon Dave Billington at the 2015 Commencement Ceremony. And so our 65th is history and now' 50 has joined the Old Guard. Sadly, news of the departing of classmates follows: Scott Reed died in Idaho May 2; Elliott "Razor" Blaydes died in West Virginia May 19; and Bill Nixon died at his Tuxedo Park, N.Y., home May 22.
3 Jun 2015 "Mas vale tarde que nunca." That's the first
Spanish phrase Tony Reynolds learned in
Spanish 101 in 1946, and he still remembers
it. Tony gave up tennis some time ago but still
travels to "faraway places" where perhaps he can find an opportunity to use this remnant of
his Princeton education. He also wrote that he
talks with ..Jack Wilson at least once a month. Jim Earl sold his Coyote Canyon Ranch in Durango, Colo., in January, and three days later got a new hip. Now he wonders what to do with no ranch work and lots of mobility. We wish Bill Ahrens the best. He spent five months in the hospital due to a fall and, as of a few months ago, still was not walking. Len Palin has retired after 63 years of pastoral ministry and continues to live in California with Wilma, his wife of 64 years. Your scribe was pleased to receive a note from Jim Hitzrot with best wishes on re-election as class secretary. Jim is a fellow Mercersburg Academy alum and retired chief of orthopedics at Church Hospital in Baltimore, who now lives in Massachusetts. Nick Colby's daughter, Sara, wrote that Nick died in California March 7, 2015. A belated note from Walt Pittis' son, Arthur, informed us that Walt had died April 4, 2014, in New Jersey. Information was also received that Bob Pottenger died May 2, 2014.
13 May 2015
From our original class of 782, 308 were
on the March 17 roll. (We have lost track of
16.) Not all of us are
octogenarians. An
unofficial count identified Classmates were
significant contributors to the '47, '48, and
'49 Big Three championship football teams.
(Freshmen were not eligible for varsity play in There are 12 scholarships are associated in some way with our class, benefiting 18 undergraduates this year. Ours was the first class to have a bona fide off-campus mini-reunion; 257 classmates have attended at least one of the 27. Total attendance has been well over 2,000. On the news front, your scribe recently learned that two grandsons of our late classmate Bill Van Cleve and associate Georgia Van Cleve Colwell are rowing on the lightweight crew. Cousins Bill and Will Van Cleve, both Class of'17, frequently find themselves on Lake Carnegie. Never let it be said that '50S shrink from expressing their opinions. Thoughtful letters from John Minton in Florida and Bill Carson in New Mexico were published in PAW's March 18 "Inbox." Bill Sant called to report that fellow St. Louisian Denny McCandless died March 16. Your scribe apologizes for misspelling Gene Weinstock's name in the Class Notes that reported his Oct. 8, 2014, death.
22 Apr 2015
When Wally Green recently described his life in Florida, he wrote, "just another day in paradise." Your scribe delayed publishing his remark until spring to avoid aggravating our 11 classmates who live in Massachusetts. Phil Holt retired Jan. 1, though stilI has
a few clients. He wrote that the architectural
firm that Perry Morgan '46 and he founded in
Princeton 50 years ago is still going strong. He
and wife Nancy have lived in the same, modern Incidentally, seven other classmates list
Princeton as their residence. New Jersey ranks
as the highest state for classmates' residences
with 36. Which are the next three states? When your scribe was preparing the
memorials for Charlie Brumback and Answer: California, 30; New York, 25;
Florida, 24.
1 Apr 2015
DAVID MILLER is now in the 33rd year as
host of his weekly National Public Radio
program, Swingin' Down the Lane. His program
is carried by more than 50 stations, and
recently added Perth, Australia, where our
most far-flung classmate, CHARLIE SLACK,
lives. Dave is now starting on Volume 17 of his We trust the "Ohio Five" - DAVE CRAFTS, VADEN FITTON, JIM GARVEY, JOE GREEN and BEN LAWRENCE - are still meeting for their monthly luncheon, and that at least a few will be at our 65th. Vaden doubts that he will get there since he will be recovering from a hip replacement. Another classmate missing our 65th will be GEORGE BAILEY, who wrote from across the pond that he has managed to make adjustments after Yvonne, his wife of 51 years, died in 2013. He sees classmate JOHN SCOTT frequently. Since he finds travel challenging these days, George assures us that he will enjoy our 65th vicariously. CHARLIE BRUMBACK died in Florida Jan. 12,2015. JIM BUTTERWORTH died in North Carolina Jan. 29, 2015.
18 Mar 2015
Dick Sharrett, who opted to stay grounded and played football and lacrosse as an undergraduate, writes that his grandson, Tyler, has taken to the water. As a high school freshman, Tyler now posts Junior Olympics times in four swimming events. When reading the cover story on John McPhee '52 in the Nov. 12 PAW, Fran Wood noted a number of references to the classroom notes his daughter, Amanda '84, took while studying under McPhee. Your scribe always is gratified when he receives a response about Class Notes. While updating the 65th directory, we
learned that Bruce McCurdy died in
4 Mar 2015
wrote that he and his wife, Patty, attended a
Geological Society meeting in Vancouver in
October. While awaiting departure, and with
their 60th-reunion orange-and-black tote bag Check the photo of a 1950 Dial Lodge theme party on page 59 in the Jan. 7 PAW. Identified among the revelers were DAVE MCALPIN, JIM WALLACE, and VAEDN FITTON. Let PAW know if you were there. We are saddened by the loss of five classmates: In 2014, FRANK MCLOUGHLIN died Feb. 9, TOM WILLARD died Dec. 2, and BOB WEATHERLY died Dec. 30. This year, GLENN SILER died Jan.3 and HANK BETTS, Jan 4.
4 Feb 2015
When checking the department's list, your
scribe found two omissions: '50 Rhodes scholar JIM BILLINGTON was a soccer goalie for four
years, and PHIL ZABRISKIE played baseball for
two years. Our third, JACK LAWSON, had no
athletic credentials while on campus, but in our
10th directory he wrote that" an acute shortage
of lacrosse talent enabled me to play defense FROM THE PREP SCHOOL FILES: QUINN BARTON, trustee emeritus, historian, and archivist for the Bolles School in Jacksonville, Fla., proudly reported that Bolles graduate Katherine Pogrebniak '14 was Princeton's Class of 2014 valedictorian. Another Bolles graduate, Gabrielle Ragazzo '15, was co-captain ofthis year's women's soccer team and a first-team All-Ivy selection. DICK HOFFMAN was pictured sitting on his
Kentucky home porch in a recent Mercersburg
Academy publication. Now retired after a
long career in teaching, Dick was recognized
for his 67 consecutive years of supporting the We were saddened to learn that DAVE MCALPIN'S wife, Sarah, died Aug. 9, 2014. Classmates GENE WEINSTEIN died Oct. 8, 2014, and TOM WILLARD died Dec. 2, 2014.
Jan 2015 As we approach a landmark reunion, think
back to 65 years ago when the reality of the new
year, then 1950, raised the
specter of completing, or in From California, BILL TOMLINSON writes that he came East last summer with his family to take a cruise from Boston to Quebec City. He commented that the hike up to the Chateau Frontenac made him "feel like he was again preparing for the Henley Regatta." From Georgia, BOB ROTH writes that all is well with his family. In retirement since 1995, BOB now plays guitar with a "very local" country band. A four-year swimmer as an undergraduate, he still finds time and energy to "swim a little." From Connecticut, GEORGE SCHMIDT writes that he has moved from New York State
to West Hartford, Conn . JACK BOGARDUS may still live in Scottsdale, Ariz., for seven
months a year, but he spends summers in
Greenwich, Conn. GOING BACK. The class poll in the 1950 Nassau Herald - Votes for "Desert Island Companion" - resulted in a tie between Liz Taylor and "My Gal." Also-rans included Ruth Roman, Ava Gardner, "my wife," a good dog, a case of beer, the Bible, and The Harvard Classics. We sadly report the loss of three classmates.
3 Dec 2014 Your scribe recently came by a small book entitled Stories and Poems by Alaska hosted several classmates during the summer. Nell and ROGER SMITH treated their youngest grandson, age 10, to kayaking, hiking and JIM, our Class Treasurer, recently completed the annual class financial WAYNE DIMM, co-chairman of our 19th Mini Reunion in Palm Beach, died
12 Nov 2014 Our dignified Tiger who headlined our 60th Reunion will be with us for the remainder of the year to remind us of our 65th May 28 - 31, 2015, in Princeton. Speaking of landmark years, LANSE HOSKINS is in his 50th year as a physician at the Louis Stokes (Cleveland, Ohio) VA Medical Center. He now serves as a consultant for physicians assistants in an ambulatory-care clinic once a week. JIM BILLINGTON completed his 27th year as Librarian of Congress Sept. 14. Jim is the 13th librarian since 1802 and is fourth in length of tenure. BILL CARSON wrote that he and his wife, Georgia, were very pleased that the volunteer organization they started 17 years ago to assist low-income students in two Santa Fe public schools is thriving. It now supports seven schools with a paid staff of 11. The organization has just completed its first full year as the New Mexico affiliate of Communities in Schools, an umbrella organization in 26 states. A few more moves to report: Joan and GLENN SILER have moved west from their longtime St. Louis residency to Overland, Kan.,, which "brackets" the homes of their two sons. HARRY MOORE and his wife, Mary, have decided to live full time in Sarasota, forsaking Charleston, W. VA., which Harry listed as his home while at Princeton. Gloria and RALPH CARDELLO have stayed in New Jersey, but relocated to an independent living community in Bridgewater. We lost two classmates: JAMES "JERRY" TAYLOR died Aug 20, and BOB BREWER died Sept.15.
22 Oct 2014 TYGER, TYGER: Borrowing the words of William Blake, '50 is still "burning bright." Reunions chairman CHARLIE ROSE and committee are shaping up a full program for our 65th in Old Nassau May 28-31. Be there. SPANNING THE GLOBE: Though the tiger's natural habitat is Asia, that doesn't stop those of '50 vintage from cruising the world. During the past year, TONY REYNOLDS' travels included a cruise that touched down in France, Spain, and Portugal. BILL WINTERS and his wife, Barbara, celebrated their 60th wedding anniversary with a two-week Danube cruise. ROGER SMITH and his wife, Nell, cruised the Far East seas, starting in Bangkok with at least seven ports of call along the way until they docked in Dubai. Your scribe and his wife, Garie, cruised in Antarctica over Christmas, where, to their surprose, the temperatures were a few degrees warmer than at their St. Louis home. As part of his plan to show his grandchildren the world, JEREMY MAIN took his grandson, a recent graduate of the U. of Maryland, on a river trip along the Peruvian section of the Amazon. Exercising prudence, which has come with older age, he did not try "Ayahuasca," a potion recommended by a shaman. As Jeremy described the potion, it "makes you feel like a world conqueror, but unfortunately only after you have suffered from stomach pains, vomiting, and a fever." Our thoughts go out to LEW BANCROFT, whose wife of 53 years, Sis, died May 13. We much enjoyed being with Sis as she and Lew were among our mini-reunion regulars. Other sad news to report: STEW BAKULA died June 2 in St. Louis, GRIF JONES died July 15 in Montclair, N.J.; JOHN NEWMAN died Aug. 10 in Norwalk, Conn.
8 Oct 2014 BUSINESS FIRST: With our 65th upon us, the time has come to initiate the election of our class officers for the next five years. Per our constitution (yes, the Class of '50 has a constitution), the nominating committee presents the following slate of officers to serve from Reunions 2015 for five years: president, CHARLES ROSE; vice president, STUART DUNCAN; vice president AG, WILLIAM DIPPEL; Secretary, KENNETH PERRY; and treasurer, JAMES WALLACE. The slate will be elected if no classmate requests for nominating-petition forms and inatructions are received by ALFRED ABBOTTS within 30 days after this PAW publication date, sent by U.S. mail, to: 15 Meadow Lakes, APT. U3, East Windsor, NJ 08520-3365, or by email to : socko50@comcast.net. A STAR AMONG US: Along with three other astrononomers, SIDNEY VAN DEN BERGH was awarded the 2014 Gerber Fouindation Cosmology Prize for his contributions to the understanding of the structure and composition of the nearby universe. This internationally recognized prize, which also carries a substantial monetary award, adds to an impressive list of honors and awards that Sidney has received during his distinguished career. The director of the National Research Council of Canada described Sidney as "truly one of the great names in modern astronomy" THE THIRD GENERATION: One wonders how many grandchildren our class offspring have begot. The number could well be more than 4,000. When ROBIN LITTLE wrote that he and Carol celebrated their 64th anniversary in June, he noted that they had 10 grandchildren. In a note from JOHN LANGER, he matched that number, but added more from their adopted children: two boys from Liberia, two girls from China. Even as this is written, the fourth generation is coming on the scene as Robin also reported four great-grandsons. A note from the son of PHIL BAUMGARTNER conveyed the sad news that Phil died March 16 in Rhode Island.
17 Sep 2014 If your scribe's math is correct, 50 (our class) plus 15 (next year) adds up to 65, two weeks short of the years since out June 13 Commencement and, more importantly, the number of our next reunion. So mark your 2015 calendars for Thursday, May 28, through Sunday, May 31, to be on campus for our 65th. It's our last "independent" reunion, since we will join Old Guard in 2016. Watch for a mailing with details next month. Responding to a question posed about classmates - in addition to DAVID MILLER - who are writing their memoirs, BOB READ wrote that he has been inspired by his great-grandfather's "memories" and is in the throes of writing his own. With his wife, Alden, Bob is living in a retirement community outside Pittsburg and reports that he has traded travel and tennis for gardening and reading, and, of course, writing his memoir. When Bob mentioned his tenure as class secretary from 1960 to 1965, it seemed appropriate to recognize in the year's first Class Notes the eight class secretaries who preceded your present scribe. They were: PETE ERDMAN, JOEL NIXON, EV FRANK, DON COHN, BOB READ, STU DUNCAN, PETE BUCHANAN, and SID FOX. Pete and Sid served the longest, alternating five-years stints for 30 years. They penned 645 columns and more than 175,000 words. An apology is in order because your scribe violated the principle of journalism to always double check a source. It was Stu Duncan, not BILL SCHLUTER, who was inducted with BILL OSBORNE and CHARLIE ROSE at our 64th into the Society of the Claw for exemplary contributions to Reunions. During the summer we received news of the death of OTTO "BOB" THEURKAUF on June 16 and of BOB STEVENS on July 10.
9 Jul 2014 The Friday-evening dinner at Fine Hall, a special presentation and a bag-pipe band in the P-rade highlighted our 64th reunion. AI Abbotts, Dave Beaty, Dave Billington, Jack Bogardus, Bill Campbell, Bob Christensen, Bob Cronheim, Stu Duncan, Pete Erdman, Bill Haynes, Dave Jordan, Tex Lamason, Dave McAlpin, John Minton, Bill Osborne, Jack Robinson, Charlie Rose, Will Rivinus, Bill and Fred Schluter-joined by wives and guests - convened Friday evening for our traditional class dinner atop Fine Hall. During the dinner, the Committee Chair on Reunions arrived to induct our longtime off-year reunion chairman, Bill Osborne, into the Society of the Claw for his exemplary contributions to Reunions. Bill joins Charlie Rose and Bill Schluter in this select society. A count of our ranks in the P-rade is unavailable, but the bagpipe band leading our class made certain '50 was noticed. In April, Bob Christensen attended a
luncheon in Chancellor Green marking the
reinstatement of NROTC at Princeton. Bob was
one of 33 classmates commissioned in the
Navy in 1950 via the NROTC program. An
additional 13 classmates were commissioned
in the Naval Reserve that year. Bob Jr. '75 Bob Brown's granddaughter, Betsy
Brown, is representing the family name in a
way not imagined when Bob was at Princeton. We are saddened to report that Walt Bauman died in South Setauket, N.Y., Dec. 15,2013; Steve Halsey died April 22, 2014, in Portland, Ore.; and Lew Hicks died April 24, 2014, on Cape Cod.
4 Jun 2014
Betty and Steve Zimmerman's daughter, Jean, has made literary news with Anne Buxton, Julie's widow, wrote from Charleston that their son, Julian III '83, forsook what she thought was confirmed bachelorhood at the age of 52 to marry Polly Des Francs in December. We remember him as our "ghost tour" guide during the 2001 mini- reunion in Charleston. We bid farewell to three classmates who died in March. Fred MacFadden died on March 19 in Baltimore; Jack Auld on the 24th in St. Louis; and Frank Feiner on the 27th in Schenectady.
14 May 2014 Dick Sharrett, now a retired physician, has taken up writing poetry. He wrote that he has been in touch with Stu Hayes, a poet in his own right, who is actively writing a personal history. Knowing that David Miller also has been writing his autobiography, your scribe wonders how many more classmates are doing likewise. And what are other classmates doing in retirement? Here is a sampling from recent notes that accompanied class dues: Bob Roth is still swimming, "limited by ability and my cardiologist." Quinn Barton continues as historian and archivist of his prep school alma mater, the 80-year-old Bolles School in Jacksonville, Fla. That Quinn is six years older than the school certainly qualifies him for these positions. Tom Lowrie has given up lawn tennis for badminton and pingpong, though still plays golf. Bob Kelley is exercising body and mind by cutting his own wood, mowing his lawn, reading Shakespeare, and "doing a little history." Roger Lester, a psychology major who claimed he came close to flunking physics and math as an undergraduate, is now teaching himself some modern physics and math. He observed that they don't appear to have gotten any easier in the intervening years. Dave Doran wrote that he has been kept alive and healthy by "cheating a bit". His "cheat listincludes a triple bypass, a carotid cleanout, and a pacemaker. (We are glad that such a cheat list does not violate the honor system.) REMINDER: Just two weeks until our 64th reunion. Off-year reunion chairman Bill Osborne and class president Bill Haynes have reserved the top of Fine Hall for the class dinner Friday evening, May 30. The Class of 1949, celebrating its 65th, has graciously invited us to share its headquarters at Forbes College throughout Reunions, and offers meals at modest prices. Charlie Elliott died March 10 in Ithaca, N.Y.
23 Apr 2014 PLAY ON: Karlos Moser will add to his list of producing and conducting more than 70 operas this May when he conducts a benefit concert of music by the early-20th-century music group, The Original Hyperion Oriental Fox Trot Orchestra in Madison, Wis. This concert will raise funds for Melinda and Karlos' foundation, Free Opera Tickets for Kids. Karlos retired in 1998 after 36 years with the U. of Wisconsin-Madison's School of Music, but obviously has not put down his baton. AND THE BEAT GOES ON: David
Miller's "Swingin' Down the Lane" surpassed
its 30th year on the air last October. His one-
hour radio program is now heard on 50 or so
NPR stations, plus one in Germany and one in PLAY BALL: With baseball season upon us
your scribe is reminded of the two-week visit
he and his wife made to Cuba last April, and a
question posed to him by a young Cuban girl: "Why do you call it the 'World Series' when Welcome to the Class of'so: '50 . '47's loss was our gain in January when Isaiah "Pappy" Lieberman, a resident Issaquah, Wash., who graduated with us, reverted to '50.
2 Apr 2014 Be on campus May 29-june 1 to give "A ROAR
FOR 64" - our 64th reunion, that is. What
better way to prepare for next year and our
65th? Not many in number at Alumni Day in
February, but representing '50 were Aline and News comes from California, where 24
classmates now reside. Incidentally, only four
listed the Golden State as their address while
at Princeton. The others must have heeded
Horace Greeley's suggestion, "Go west, young From San Diego County: Tom Paine touts life there as "good for us oldsters," especially the weather. He still has his gardens, and for some reason since we are well beyond 70, is trying to convince AARP and the State of California to move the retirement age to 70 for full benefits. From Hermosa Beach: .John Gebhard is keeping busy and enjoys the view of the Pacific at Sunrise Assisted Living, where he and his wife, Nancy, moved in 2011. Sadly, Nancy died soon thereafter from a sudden heart attack. From LA: Bill Lucas reports, "Life is
full, interesting, rewarding, and fun." When
not summering in Martha's Vineyard, he is
involved with educational reform for K-12 in
California, a major charter school and after
school programs for kids, several libraries
and museums, the Program in Visual Arts With condolences to their families, we note the deaths of Jack Farmer and Paul Hofflund Feb. 1, and .Joe Mack on Feb. 2.
19 Mar 2014 While our string of class mini-reunions ended in Princeton in the fall of 2011 at 27, there are still "mini-minis" taking place: Vaden Fitton wrote from Ohio that Dave
Crafts, Jim Garvey, Joe Green, Ben Mac MacLean reported that Gates
Lloyd, Bob Read, and Jim Garvey would Tex Lamason ran into Kent Young and Bill Schluter at last fall's Penn-Princeton football game, and reveled in the outcome of the game. A few months ago, Joe Green sent an article from the Wall Street Jorunal on the "Hit
Songs of the Civil War." It described a new
release of "Listen to the Mockingbird," which "receives an unadorned, mournful reading by Stuart Duncan and Dolly Parton." Alas, a
Google search revealed another Stuart Duncan,
not our classmate. However, Dick Sharrett
wrote that the same Google listed him as co-
author of a 1957 article in the journal Cardiology Our sympathy goes to Bob Christensen, whose wife of 61 years, Barbara, died at year- end, and to Henry Powsner, whose wife of 62 years, Dana, died in early January. We sadly report the deaths of two of our
decorated, career military classmates. Air Force
Lt. Col. Torr Harmer died Jan. 13, 2014.
Army Col. Lucius "Lew" Daugherty died
Jan. 30, 2011. Torr received the Legion of Merit
5 Mar 2014 Last month at the annual meeting of the
Catboat Association in Groton, Conn., Clint Trowbridge read from his book The Boat That Wouldn't Sink. His 34-foot Barnegat Bay
catboat, Scatt II, has become a member of
the family over the past 26 years, and she is
still spoken of as if human. Clint's book goes
beyond the exciting adventures of his old craft
by adding reflections on life and nature. Clint
earned a PhD from the U. of Florida. He taught
at Rollins College, The College of Charleston,
and Dowling College on Long Island before
retiring to Maine in 1978. He has kept busy by
writing five books, publishing many popular
and scholarly articles, and teaching part time at You might think that at our age retirements would be things of the past. BUT NOT SO! Fred "Snuffy" Knight retired after
20 years teaching public speaking and Belatedly, our thoughts go with Bill
Ahrens in Florida, whose wife, Katie, died We bid farewell to three classmates: Bob Forrest died in Pennsylvania Oct. 30, 2013; Harley Funk died in Pennsylvania Dec. 18, 2013; and Charles "Chuck" Mullen died in Washington state Dec. 27, 2013.
5 Feb 2014 Relocation and retirement communities seem
be the vogue these days for '50ers. Martha
and Jim Bralla wrote that they decided it
was "prudent" to give up their country house in Pennsylvania and move to an independent-
living facility in Springfield, Mass. Their two daughters live nearby, and Jim worked for the the Titflex Co. in Springfield early in his career.
They found another Princetonian at the facility:
John Parke '38, now 97 years old, who had a After 51 years in Colts Neck, N.J., Teresa and Les Freeman have moved 10 miles southeast to a retirement village, which Les describes as "not bad!" Adrienne and Jack Maxwell still claim a
Richmond, Va., address, but have moved to a
nearby retirement home where they have lots
of opportunity to stay sharp by playing bridge. Having visited about a hundred countries over Ann and Hugh Morgan have relocated
to Morganton, N.C., not because of the town's
name, but to be close to their children and
grandchildren. Like many who relocate, Hugh
volunteered that it was very difficult to leave Margaret and Wayne Dimm have
sold their Palm Beach home and moved Carolyn and Doug Raymond now live in Dunwoody Village, a retirement community in Newtown Square, Pa. Again, sad news has reached us. Three
classmates died last November: Blair
8 Jan 2014 FAMILY MATTERS: The Prioleau family
was both ashore (see photo in class website)and on the water last fall when Diane and "DUTCH' PRIOLEAU were in Boston for the
Head of the Charles Regatta. They watched a
son, two.grandsons, and three cousins rowing
or coachmg various crews. The Head of theCharles always brings memories of our late
classmate HANK BIRD who rowed there until
age 76. About this time, Dutch discovered that We pictured Joan and ALAN KIRK in the
last issue. Latest news from the Kirk family is
that their daughter-in-law, Carolyn Kirk, was
handily re-elected in November to her fourth
term as mayor of Gloucester, Mass. Carolyn's FRED SEELEY, who is retired in Falmouth
on Cape Cod, stays close to his family, as all
his children live in New England. He finds
working out of his home as a financial adviser
eliminates commuting problems, since getting DAVE McALPIN's family expanded when he joined the ranks of other classmates with great-grandchildren, on the birth of Marcel Munro McAlpin in June. Dolores and JOHN HUTTON drove from their Connecticut home to Maine in August for their granddaughter Grace's wedding. We extend our sympathy to classmates BILL AHRENS, BOB CHRISTENSEN, and MARCUS AARON, who lost their wives during the past
year. Bill's wife, Katie, died in February. Bob's
wife, Barbara, died in June. Marcus' wife, Barbara died in September.
4 Dec 2013
Among our other travelers was Bob Brown, who with his traveling companion, Barbara Schlaffer, toured Yellowstone as well as Bryce, Zion, the Grand Canyon, and Mesa Verde in the Southwest. Len Palin continues his part-time ministry
on the pastoral staff in Dana Point, Calif. His
10 grandchildren and two great-grandchildren
are thriving. In fact, one of the grandchildren is
Beau Palin, Yale football captain and defensive We are saddened to report that Ed Weinstein died in Philadelphia July 15; Thad Tomson in Caracas, Venezuela, Sep 23: and Dave Aubrey in Sun City West Ariz Sept.29· ' ., 13 Nov 2013 It may seem a bit early, and well in advance of our 65th reunion in 2015 when we join the Old Guard, but AI Abbotts in lawyeresque fashion is reviewing our constitution and initiating the selection of the next five-year slate of class officers. So with class matters in good shape,
president Bill Haynes and his wife, Aline, left
their Princeton home in September to enjoy a
12-day Mediterranean cruise, departing from
Venice, sailing around Italy, and docking in
Monte Carlo. Bill noted that it was the first time
in 60 years he was aboard a ship without being
in uniform. Recalling Sea Time, Bill's book that
described his experiences on board supply
and troop ships during WWU, his comments And with class finances in sound condition,
treasurer Jim Wallace, and his wife, Aline,
left their Ohio residence in August to travel to
Santa Fe. There, Aline visited with Southern
California roommates she had not seen in 30 No, it's not a misprint. What other class can say that the wives of two of its officers are named "Aline?"
23 Oct 2013 Kudos to Bill Dippel and his AG volunteers! The class has posted 22 consecutive years at
better than 60% participation and the last 10 It took a countrywide sweep to fill out this column. From New Jersey: As reported by a source in
Princeton (aka Charlie Rose), Stu Duncan
is still reviewing plays in the Princeton area.
Your scribe remembers that some years ago
Stu lamented that, while he enjoyed reviewing,
he had become exasperated by sitting through
countless performances of Annie, and then
listening to the star's doting grandparents. From Delaware: Bernie Dempsey wrote that it is "hard to believe" that he and Pat have been married 60 years. They celebrated their 60th anniversary in June. From New York: John Northrop wrote that his son, Michael '81 has worked for years for the Rockefeller Brothers Fund, focusing on the environment and public awareness of global-warming problems. From Florida: Ted Friend wrote that his son, Tommy, created an ESPN video that traced pro basketball's LaBron James through his childhood to his preeminence with the Miami Heat. From Missouri: Georgia Van Cleve Colwell wrote that Bill [Van Cleve ] would have been "so pleased" that two grandsons are in the Class of 2017: Will, son of Robert Van Cleve '82, and Billy, son of Peter and Andrea Van Cleve, both '80. From California: Phyllis and Dave Billington have moved to Palo Alto, Calif., to be closer to family. They leave their longtime residence in Princeton, where Dave established his legacy as a University professor, innovative teacher, and icon in the world of bridge design. We received news that Gordon Armistead died in California Aug. 7.
9 Oct 2013 When these notes appear, the Tigers will have
already completed their third football game
of the season, which brings back memories
of fall Saturdays in the late '40S and Charlie
Caldwell's single-wing offense. Sadly, we must As class scribe, I must relate one of the many
stories Don told. Class secretary from 1955-60,
he once found himsel flacking news for his The class officers were gratified when Jean
Fox s'50 w'50 h'50 agreed to be our associates
chair. Her primary duty will be maintaining
relationships with our class widows. Clarifying
the designations: s'50 indicates that Jean's Rollie Minda's blog, Retirement Dance,
recently carried an article titled, "Comes
Mid-Summer, When Out-of-Town Kin or
Friends Arrive - What To Do With Them!" Not much help for most of us, as it featured
the Minneapolis-St. Paul area. However,
we can vouch for many of the places
recommended, since Rollie's "out-of-town"'50 classmates enjoyed them during the 2007 We extend our sympathy to Bill Flammer whose wife, "Terri," died May 26.
18 Sep 2013 Remember 67 years ago when the Class of l950
initially made its presence known on campus?
As the late Pete Armstrong reminisced at
our 50th: "We were the first true postwar class. We thought Baker Rink was for ice hockey. When Bob Brewer sent in his new address in Lexington, Ky., he added that he remains active in the Central Kentucky Alumni Association as AG chairman and secretary. Another AG volunteer, .John Scott, reported from London that Stirling Carpenter's research on a Kreuzfeldt-Iacob disease variant received endorsement at a meeting in Oslo. Your scribe has been remiss in not noting that he looks forward to the personal and religious poems that Stuart Hayes sends each year with his class dues from his residence in Denver. In noting the passing of classmates, we have
to be impressed and proud of the breadth that
their careers took after graduation: clergy,
farming, academia, banking, business, news
media, public service. So with respect, we
record that Michael Turner died July 12,
2012; and in 2013, .Joe Edens died June 3; Lou DiPaolo June 4; Hank Bird June 14; Dan Golden June 14; Stan .Johnson June
20; Don de la Chapelle June 21; Tony
Fryer June 25; Frank Reeve June 28; and .John Hager July 18.
10 Jul 2013 "TYGER, TYGER (still) BURNING BRIGHT." With 21 classmates at our 63rd reunion, a
number slightly larger than the past two reunions, '50 continues to burn bright. In attendance at the traditional Friday evening
dinner on the top floor of Fine Hall, again oranized by BILL OSBORNE, were: AL ABBOTTS, DAVE
MCALPIN, JOHN MINTON, Bill Osborne, JACK ROBINON, CHARLIE ROSE, and BILL and FRED SCHLUTER. The City U. of New York may seem unusual copy for our Class Notes, but the news
from there is worthy when a classmate is involved. ERNIE RUBENSTEIN has been a board
member of The Stella and Charles Guttman Foundation for 25 years and is currently its
president. The foundation recently made a
$25 million award to CUNY's three community colleges to support their initiatives to
boost student retention and graduation rates. FRED "SNUFFY" KNIGHT is into his 20th year teaching interpersonal communications and public speaking at Eastern New Mexico U. It started when he retired in 1993. Sadly, Carol, his wife of 49 years, died in August 2011.
5 Jun 2013 BILL HAYNES, our class president, sent a photo of his wife, Aline, and him in Baltimore with his oldest grandson, Henri Halle, who had just come off the field from Colorado College's lacrosse victory of over Babson. Bill's family has an extensive history of playing lacrosse, and his son, Bill '84, played rugby in grad school. Somehow, Bill's genes translated to "dry land" sports, not competitive swimming, which has been Bill's forte. After selling his actuarial business, EFI Actuaries, and moving from his long time residence in Washington last June, TED FRIEND is
now ensconced in Boca Raton, Fla. He kept
his parent company, Ed Friend Inc., and is actively marketing a new and innovative pension-retirement system for public-sector BILL CARSON and his wife, Georgia, are in
their 21st year in Santa Fe and particularly
pleased that the program they started to support students in low-income public schools, "Santa Fe for Students," has become the New We were saddened to learn that ALLAN RYYSYlAINEN's son, Lloyd, died in March. Alan served in the Navy from 1942-46 and was one of our married classmates. He wrote that Lloyd was born in Princeton Hospital in January 1949, right in the middle of final exams. DAVE MCLAIN died April 13 in Warren, OhIO.
15 May 2013 When Librarian of Congress JIM BILLINGTON announced this year's 25 additions to the National Recording Registry on March 21, he brought to 375 selections for the program that started in 2002. Among his selections were a D-Day radio broadcast, the original cast recording of The Sound of Music, Simon and Garfunkel's "The Sound of Silence," and Chubby Checker's dance craze sparker, "The Twist." On the same day, a USA TODAY editorial
noted that the library, which is in charge of
the Copyright Office, has provoked widespread criticism with its recent announcement that "the 'unlocking' of cell phones
would no longer be legal without permission
of your wireless service provider." The editorial concluded, "When the Congress' librarian
starts behaving like a new sheriff in town,
consumers have good reason to suspect the
law is stacked against them." Being described
as "a new sheriff in town" certainly wasn't
part of Jim's job description when President
Reagan appointed him librarian in 1987. In February, Joan and AL ABBTTS vacationed south of West Palm Beach, where they
partied with Addie Vogel and JACK ROBINSON in
their nearby condo. They also stayed for "a
spell" with AI's four-year roommate, WALLY REMINDER: Just two weeks until our 63rd
reunion at Princeton. Off-year reunion chairman BILL OSBORNE and class president BILL
HAYNES have reserved the top of Fine Hall for
a class dinner on Friday evening, May 3l. We have lost two classmates recently: JIM WEISEL died Feb. 12,2013. HANK RENTSCHLER, one of our class stalwarts and former class president and treasurer, died March 26, 2013.
15 Apr 2013 It's great to have children to visit who work in more exotic parts of the world. So it is with Ann and HUGH MORGAN, whose daughter, Grace, is with the World Bank in New Delhi. They spent the month of December in India and were impressed with the progress they observed since a visit there 25 years ago. Not one to stay at home, BOB BROWN and
travel companion Barbara Schlatter took a
Black Sea tour last year that included Budapest and Bucharest. After a respite in
hometown Toledo, Ohio, it was off in January There are 11 Princeton scholarships associated with our class, benefitting 16 undergraduates this year. The recipient of our 50's
FUND 2000 scholarship is Ethan Berl '14 of
Champaign, Ill., who is a computer science
major in the engineering department. We received a letter from Ethan expressing his We learned from a NY Times obituary that BOB ELBERSON died Feb. 26 in Charlotte, N.C.
3 Apr 2013 From California, LEN PALIN has alerted us to look for his grandson when Princeton plays Yale this fall. Beau Palin, a defensive end who is 6 feet 4 inches and weighs 247 pounds, has been elected captain of the New Haven team. As a senior, Len, who played guard, was listed at a mere 6 feet and 198 pounds in the 1949 Princeton-Yale game program. A historical note from One Hundred Years of Princeton Football (1869 -1969) by our late classmate, Bill STRYKER: In 1949 the Tigers made it three straight over Yale by winning 21-13. GEORGE SELLA caught Dick Kazmaier '52's passes for two touchdowns and was the top ground gainer with 83 yards. Other '50S on the squad were BUXTON, COHN, COLLINS, HARKINS, HOWARTH, MCKENNA, MOORE, and POWERS. From Florida, DAVE DORAN sent a reminiscence of his 1995-96 assignment in St. Petersburg as part of a State Department program
to get the Soviets to convert 26 military
factories to making civilian products. He actually got one company to make wheelchairs,
but they continued making submarines. He From Ohio, BEN LAWRENCE reported having a good summer last year at his lake cottage in Michigan. While at home in Cincinnati, he joins classmates JIM GARVEY, JOE GREEN, DAVE CRAFTS, and VADEN FITION every month or so for a restaurant lunch and lots of talk. From Washington, ROBIN LITTLE wrote that his great-grandchild count is approaching 4. He and Carol are still ranching in eastern Washington State. We received news that DAVID "GORDON"ASHTON died Jan. 31, 2013, in Manchester, Vt.
20 Mar 2013 SIDNEY VAN DEN BERGH reports from his home in British Columbia that last year
he retired from the Dominion Astrophysical
Observatory on the ccasion of his 83rd
birthday. He lamented that his most recent
paper, No. 806 according to NASA records,
will be his last. He added that it represented ROGER LESTER's career after graduating from
Yale School of Medicine was primarily teaching medicine. From Fort Worth, Texas, where
he has now settled, he writes, "In recent years
I've been reading philosophy (Hume, Kant, LEE BELLMER's wife, Shirley, brought us up-
to-date on Lee's health. He was diagnosed
with Parkinson's shortly after his retirement
from General Electric in 1992. He has experienced two serious operations, hospitalizations, and rehabs in recent years, which have
depleted his physical skills. Despite all this,
Lee is in good spirits and still quick with a We were saddened to receive the news that JACK MCKENNA died in Stuart, Fla., Jan. 7, and JIM MACWHINNEY died in Rochester, N.Y., Jan. 11.
6 Mar 2013
"une prestiqieuse universite dont La devise proclame 'Dieu a etudie a Princeton," Translation: "a prestigious university whose motto proclaims, 'God has studied at Princeton." Obviously, a presumptive translation of "Dei sub numine viqet,"
We will miss Ouida Davis who had been our class associate chairperson for the past five years. Ouida was JIM DAVIS' widow and lived in White Sulfur Springs, W.Va. She died Dec. 14. PETER SCULLY died Dec. 16 at his home in
6 Feb 2013 Not only is treasurer JIM WALLACE pleased to receive your class dues, but your scribe is
equally pleased to get the notes that accom- TONY REYNOLDS curtailed his travel schedule and stayed home in California after remodeling his 56-year-old house last year, and then his daughter and twin grandchildren traveled from London for a visit last August. DAVE BINGHAM's wife, Beverly, wrote last fall about the Princeton Footnotes visiting the Soldiers' Home in Holyoke, Mass., where Dave resided, and how he enjoyed their rendition of "Old Nassau" and a special locomotive. Sadly, we just learned that Dave died Dec 21.
No news in JIM HITZROT's latest note, but we assume he has acclimated well to Bedford, Mass., where, the longtime Maryland resident moved several years ago. IVY UPDATE: CHARLIE ROSE, our campus emissary as well as vice president and web- master, reported that the class ivy planted at 2012 Reunions is thriving. CHARLIE BIGGS' son, Class of '74,·wrote that his father and our classmate died Nov. 2, 2012 at the Winchester Medical Center in Virginia. Charlie lived in Berkley Springs, W.Va.
16 Jan 2013 After an overnight stay in St. Paul, 16 class mates, wives, and companions boarded the American Queen Oct. 19 for a three-day cruise on the Mississippi. Camaraderie was foremost, but stops included a former church where the Grand Army of the Republic supposedly was formed, a logging camp, and the National Bald Eagle Center. CHARLIE ROSE, who led the group, reported that many of the fellow cruise people probably did not understand the Princeton presence. As Charlie's daughter '77 commented, "To be fair, what proportion of the normal population would know how to take a group of Princetonians, let alone a group from '50?" The' 50ers were PETE ANSON, LEW BANCROFT, BOB BROWN, DICK FORD, SID FOX, JEREMY MAIN, JIM GARVEY, CHARLIE ROSE, and BILL WINTERS. Not aboard, but organizer of the mini, was JIM WALLACE. Celebration of the Tigers 29-7 win over Yale in New Haven has subsided by now, but classmates CHARLIE KRIGBAUM, DANFORTH, and BOB FORREST, who live in the area, must still be quite pleased with the outcome. RICK SHANLEY, who lamented the fortunes of the team earlier this year from his Boynton Beach, Fla., address, should be more upbeat now. Obviously Coach Surace did not hear Rick's suggestion to return to the single wing, but the most effective play against Yale was a power sweep, reminiscent of our 1947-49 HYP champion teams. (Today, they run this sweep from the "wildcat" formation, but it sure looks like Charlie Caldwell's single wing.) A trip from Florida brought Sally and BILL WALLACE back not only for our class dinner and the P-rade, but for the graduation of their granddaughter, Sara '12. Our sympathy goes to CHARLIE SAUNDERS who wrote that Mamie, his wife of almost 62 years, died May 25 after a long battle against leukemia. Mamie's Princeton heritage included a son '74, brothers '47 and '52, and her father 1903.
12 Dec 2012 DAVE MCALPIN modestly wrote that he had retIred after 2 5 years of service as president and trustee of Habitat for Humanity Trenton. Needless to say this was an understatement of hIS contribution to Habitat and the Trenton community. Al ABBOTTS a article from The Times of Trenton about Dave's retirement that added a good deal more about his tenure. Since its inception 25 years ago, the Trenton chapter has built more than 80 homes, despite continued funding challenges, which Dave said had really worried him about every two or three years. Actually, Dave retired from the organization 11 years ago, but felt compelled to return when he realized the group was struggling to survive. "It's in good shape to carry on now," he said. In looking back, Dave described the great satisfaction he got seeing "something new and beautiful replacing dilapidated houses" and "bringing people together," especially in the East Trenton neighborhoods. Job well done, Dave. AI Abbots also wrote that he and Joan spent a month this summer at Lake Winnipesaukee, their favorite lake in New Hampshire. Unfortunately, Al is being "bugged by a bad guy, 'Arthur Itis,' but is soldiering on in spite of him." No doubt, many of our class are acquainted with that guy. BOB CRONHEIM's daughter, Carol '86, is the new assistant secretary of state for New Jersey. Her responsibilities include state buildings, historical monuments, state history, and the council for the arts. DICK SHARRETT and his wife, Betty, are about
to celebrate their 50th wedding anniversary,
though with two years of "chasing," Dick figures it amounts to 52 years. Such is the logic
of an MD from the U. of Pennsylvania.
14 Nov 2012 Your scribe thanks PETER ERDMAN's office assistant, Suzanne, for goading Peter into sending the following news: Last July, class associate Virginia CRAWFORD hosted Peter at her summer home on the grounds of the beautiful Chautauqua Institution in western New York. She also hosted Aline and JIM WALLACE for a few days when all attended lectures and concerts that were events of the institution's summer program. Later, Peter and Virginia dined with Phoebe and DICK FORD who had come to Chautauqua for a week. BILL KORNFELD visited Bette and BILL KRAMER
in "their gorgeous digs in Washington, DC",
and reported that all are well. There was a
meeting of the coasts when ALAN KIRK had a
visit from former roommate, STEVE HALSEY, Did those of you who were at Reunions
recognize the cover of the events catalog? It
was the watercolor of Nassau Hall and our
class assembling for our 60th by John Hutton
'82, son of Dolores and JOHN HUTTON. Dolores Our sympathy goes to two classmates who recently lost their wives. RICH HUNGERFORD's wife of 40 years, Marian, died March 3 l. CHARLIE SAUNDERS' wife of 61 years, Mamie, died May 25. News has reached us that JIM TUCKER died Aug. 31 following an accidental fall at his home in New Hampshire. We reported in the previous notes that JIM SCHAEFER had died Aug. 16. Sadly, we learned that his brother and Princeton roommate, LOU SCHAEFER, died Sept. 2.
24 Oct 2012 This spring, "HANK" RENTSCHLER alerted your
scribe to a book written by another "HANK," HENRY BIRD, that is. Titled Ride the Wind: Biologist and Pastor, it was published last October. Using my limited computer skills I '''Rowing allowed me to excel,' he [Henry] said, understating his accomplishments in many areas. Ride the Wind: Biologist and Pastor is full of understatements and minimalist reports. Henry captained a crew in col lege and began rowing again later and continued well into his seventh decade. Over the years, Henry has led in action and by example a life worth living, and hopes readers will enjoy his tales and photos of events and people in this tapestry of stories. Henry served as a Navy corpsman, worked in industry as a biologist, was ordained a priest and minister, was a dedicated civil-rights advocate, worked with Native American communities in the Southwest and Maine, and always returned to his roots in Maine. He lives in Cundys Harbor with his best friend, partner, and wife of more than 50 years, Hilde." TIGER TIDBITS: BOB STAATS·WESTOVER retired last year and moved to Stone bridge at
Montgomery in Skillman, N.J., just up the
road from his former Princeton residence.
Among those who traveled with your scribe JIM SCHAEFFER died Aug. 16 in New Jersey. 10 Oct 2012 Not surprisingly, a significant portion of the news that your scribe receives is as much about children and grandchildren as it is about classmates themselves. STEVE ZIMMERMAN reports that his daughter Jean's new novel, The Orphanmaster, has
been released and gotten excellent reviews. Most notable was every author's dream, a
very favorable review in Sunday's NY Times
Book Review section that described it as "the
ideal historical novel for readers who value JOHN NORTHROP wrote that his granddaughter, Katrina, went to China this summer to
study Chinese and improve her fluency. She
is only 15. (Hen hao, xiao Katrina.) Incidental
to this, John commented favorably on a Bill From across the pond, JOHN SCOTT relayed
the news from Porto, Portugal, where STIRLING
CARPENTER resides, that Stirling's Pathology of
Skeletal Muscles (1996) may be coming out
in a new edition. Meanwhile, Stirling is participating in an international research project
of electron microscopy into Kuf 's disease, a
progressive disease that results in dementia. Stirling and neurologist wife Ligia's son,
Simon, is now 10 years old. John speculates Do you remember that when most of us entered Princeton in 1946, the Dow Jones Index had dropped below 170, and listed stocks such as Woolworth, National Distillers, Corn Products Refining, and Allied Can? We were saddened to learn that "BO" KELLY, lifelong Baltimorean and civic leader, died in Maryland Aug. 1, and JOE FINNIGAN, a retired Navy lieutenant commander, died in Virginia Aug. 14. 19 Sep 2012
In the spring, KEITH JONES was part of an informal workshop on physics-related topics that brought together four undergraduate physics majors: two from the Class of 1950, two from the Class of 2000. Pictured are (l-r): Keith Jones, LIN LEE, Matt Eisaman '00, and Heather Lynch '00. All four are connected professionally with the Brookhaven National Laboratory and Stony Brook U. They hope to expand such workshops, perhaps via a Facebook page, to include all Princeton undergraduate physic majors. RICHARD WEGHORN's wife, Janina, continues to operate the old nun's residence in Zakopane, Poland, that she remodeled and converted to a small inn. The area is touted as the Aspen of Eastern Europe. Doubt that any of us are still skiing, but sounds like a great place to take the grandchildren. A REMINDER: Visit the class website and view reunion pictures of the ivy planting. News reached us that BILL MCCLOSKEY died June 6 in Florida, and "GENE" LEGGETT died June 8 in Virginia. 11 Jul 2012
62ND REUNION DINNER: Joining off-year
reunion chairman BILL OSBORNE in the "Professors' Lounge" atop Fine Hall on Friday
evening were: Abbotts, DAVE BILLINGTON, BOGAR
OVER, and BILL WALLACE. Spouses, kin, and
friends added to the gathering that enjoyed a MISSISSIPPI RIVER MINI-REUNION: It's not too late to sign up for our 28th mini-reunion. Contact JIM WALLACE (Jimwallace@ juno.com.) who reports that 17 are now booked on The American Queen, which leaves St. Paul Oct. 19 for a three-day Mississippi River cruise. JOE GREEN, our treasurer for many years, wrote that his wife, Jeanne, died in March after a long bout with Alzheimer's. After their marriage in 1983, Jeanne and Joe at tended 21 consecutive mini-reunions. Our ranks were thinned when STEVE HALLIDAY died Feb. 26, TED PEYSER died April 13, and"LUKE" HOPKINS died May 23.
6 Jun 2012 When browsing througn our 10thdirectory, BILL DIPPEL noticed the picture (page 432) of a
plaque in the Chancellor Green lounge dedicated in 1955 to the six members of our class
who "Gave Their Lives in the Service of Their News arrived from one of our expatriates, JOE LESHICK, who has lived overseas for over 40 . years. Joe, who retired in 1991, wrote that he had "the distinct impression that this year I grew older." Nevertheless, he still splits each year between Brussels and Costa Blanca in Spain. Joe added that he actually "printed" the message with his arm in a cast. JIM CALDWELL called in March to report his successful triple-bypass operation and aortic- valve replacement. No driving for a while, and no golf for at least six months. But imagine his surgeon's surprise when, before being sedated, Jim said, "You look just like your father." The surgeon was George Finney '81, whose dad is "Reddy," Class of '51, the center on the undefeated' 50 football team after DON COHN graduated. 16 May 2012 Some time ago we reported that you could find ROLLIE MINDA's blog, The Retirement
Dance, on the Net. In his latest posting, Rollie
unapologetically reveals an addiction that
was started in high school, fine-tuned during "BO" KELLY's wife, Ellie, brought us up-to- date on BO's medical saga. Two serious hospitalizations and two unnecessary colon operations last summer left him extremely disabled, but not enough to prevent him from being "a wheelchair honorary usher" at PAUL INGERSOll's overflow funeral in January. Unfortunately, in March, double pneumonia and a "host of other bodily attacks" put him in a coma for 10 days. When coming out of the coma, Bo's first words to the doctor were "If you don't-participate, you don't have to be held accountable." So, as Ellie noted with Bo's AG, "He's participating and can be held accountable for his support of Princeton." One locomotive for Bo and Ellie, whom we remember fondly for hosting our 2008 mini-reunion in Baltimore. Proud, and rightly so, are Betty and STEVE
ZIMMERMAN, whose daughter Jean's latest non-
fiction book, Love, Fiercely, a gilded-age romance, was published in March by Houghton
Mifflin Harcourt. Her new publisher, Viking Our condolences go to GEORGE SCHMIDT whose wife, "KT," died March 14·
25 Apr 2012 Off-year reunion chariman, BILL OSBORNE, wants to remind you that our 62nd reunion
will be May 31-June 2, the weekend after Memorial Day. The class dinner will be Friday,
June 1, once again at the top of Fine Hall. The Preceding the P-rade, the class ivy and the memorial plaque commemorating our six classmates who gave their lives during the Korean Conflict will be dedicated at the south side of Nassau Hall. (The plaque has just been mounted in the Chancellor Green rotunda.) Carol and ROBIN LITTLE's Christmas letter
noted that they celebrated their 61st last June
at their townhouse in Whitefish, Mont. They
now have two great-grandsons and 10 grand-
children. They still enjoy their Lazy Bar L We hadn't heard much in recent years from KENT YOUNG, who retired from a medical career in 1997, until his letter appeared in the March 7 PAW. Kent recalls some of Princeton's storied football history and points out that our athletic programs offer us "much to be proud of." Like Kent, your scribe finds it difficult to understand why the Ivy League prohibits its football champion from competing for a national divisional championship, while there is no such prohibition for other teams. (An aside: Princeton's win, which broke Trinity's 13-year hold on the national squash championship, continued the Tigers' streak of 41 years with either a team or individual national collegiate champion.) TIGER BRIEFS: COLUMBUS O'DONNELL wrote from the United Kingdom that his daughter came across the pond last fall to look at colleges. Not looking any more is DAVE AKERS' granddaughter, who graduated last May with the Class of 2011. HARRY MOORE wrote that he is not playing tennis now, but is still active otherwise.
4 Apr 2012 An unsigned dues card read: "You know you're getting older when you are cautioned to slow down by the doctor instead of by the police." Last October, PAUL DlDISHEIM, with his daughter, Melinda, and her son, Neal, spent an unforgettable week in Paul's birthplace, Paris,
where they met with 10 of Paul's cousins.
Reminiscing in several languages led to some TONY REYNOLDS wrote from California that he is in the process of retiring after 46 years in investment and financial planning. Looks like Tony spent as much time traveling as in his profession. A Rhine/Mosell cruise, a cruise around the Italian boot, Yosemite, and Monterey were all on his 2011 travel list. In between, his London grandchildren visited in July. Also traveling were Nell and ROGER SMITH who celebrated their three children - Jeff, Jennifer, and Stuart - becoming 50 years old or more by taking them on a Mediterranean cruise from Barcelona to Venice. ELMER "BO" LINDSAY reported from California that he has had to forsake long-distance travel and fly-fishing, but still enjoys painting. TOM FISHER remains in Pennsylvania, but has moved from his Malvern home to a retirement community in an area he describes as "a beautiful location with birds, trees, and sky."
21 Mar 2012 "Old Man River" is awaiting the Princeton
Class of 1950. JIM WALLACE is coordinating our
28th mini-reunion, which will be a river
cruise on The American Queen, leaving St.
Paul, Minn., Friday, Oct. 19, and returning Doctors sometimes are blase about their
health. A note from BILL KKORNFELD read, "Nothing unusual." He then added that he had his CARL "Duff" MADSEN's wife, Alice, wrote that he retired from his Indiana psychiatry practice in October. She added that he had a coronary in June, from which, we were glad to hear, he is recovering nicely. We missed GEORGE BAILEY who had hoped to come from London to our on-campus mini- reunion in October. Unfortunately, his wife, Yvonne, had a fall and needed his care. With health news seemly in the forefront, BOB BROWN's saga fits right in. Bob's advice is
not to get a knee replacement just because
the original hurts. After seven operations, he
now has his second new knee that he hopes When collaborating with RON WITIREICH on JIM MCCLAVE's memorial, he sent an anecdote
about Jim's uncle Stephen. Stephen and Jim's
father were the Class of 1903, but Stephen
vas denied his diploma until 1913. At some
7 Mar 2012 A warm clime seems to attract classmates to
Florida. Almost 10% of our class roster now
lists an address there. One Sunshine State
resident, RICK SHANLEY, has "no complaints" about life in Boynton Beach. Latest to relocate to Florida is JOHN MINTON, who decided
Richmond was not far enough south after he
and Corey (formerly "Cee") moved there from While the Princeton presence in Florida increases during winter months when "snow birds" like JOHN BRALLA migrate there to escape harsher weather at home, there are those who stay put. GEORGE ZABRISKIE lives with sub- zero temperatures in Bozeman, Mont. TOM LOWRIE is still playing golf and active in Rotary in Westport, Conn., a community he describes as "hard to leave after 45 years."
A letter announcing plans for our 28th mini-reunion should have reached '50's households by now. JIM WALLACE has planned a Mississippi River foliage cruise on the paddleboat, The American Queen, embarking from St. Paul, Minn., Oct. 19 and returning there Oct. 22. All aboard! Recent Class Notes reported that Mimi and PAUL INGERSOLL celebrated their 60th wedding anniversary in October. Sadly, news has reached us that Paul died of respiratory failure Jan. 2, 2012, in Philadelphia.
11 Feb 2012 WHAT'S IN A (NICK) NAME? Your scribe
received a note from Jack Lilly '48 last year,
recalling the unique nicknames he remembered from our class, specifically "Tizo" ROBINSON and "Brother Bill" TAYlOR. This
prompted a reprise of nicknames from our Nassau Herald, which was both revealing and Among the familiar nicknames listed, "Bill" outdistanced "Bob," 42 to 33· "Jim," "Jack," and "Mac" were next in popularity. More than 20 animals and insects were represented, including three "Tigers," two "Mooses," two "Bulls," a "Gopher," a "Snake," a "Spider," and "Bugs." Ours was a colorful class: four "Reds," a "Pinky," and a "Whitey." There were several "Buds," "Docs," "Flips," and "Skips." Not surprisingly, there was only one "B.O." (BERNART), "Razor" (BLAYDES), "Bubbles" (BROWN), "Ice
Cream" (COHN), "Footsie" (COLLINS), "Dundee" (DOYLE), "Cookie" (LACKEY), "Koos" (MOSER), "Cess" (POOLE), and "Rock" (STONE). Some One wonders how many of these names were left on campus at graduation and how many have endured over the years. No doubt "Grandpa" and its derivatives would be high on today's list. HERE AND THERE: JIM BILLINGTON has begun his 25th year as librarian of Congress. Sue and CHARLIE SLACK continue to keep busy with their church work in Western Australia. Astronomer SIDNEY VAN DEN BERGH was appointed recently to the Canadian Hall of Fame for Science and Technology We lost five classmates last November. TED
MELDAHL died Nov. 11; JON LOVELACE on Nov. 16;
Nov. 20; and JIM MCCLAVE Nov. 30. Also, "PAS"
18 Jan 2012 FOR THE RECORD: Please note that the address of the class website has been changed. "Princeton1950.com" BACK IN ACTION: After minor heart ~ surgery last year, DAVE JORDAN was urged to commence a program of regular exercises. After increasing the routine for seven weeks during August and September, he entered the San Diego Senior Olympics, and as Dave wrote, "Wonders never cease." He won a gold medal in the 5K run. As a follow up, in October he spent a week hiking in the high Sierras. ALAN KIRK wrote that he had a "medical hiccup," without elucidation, but that it is history now and he was back golfing three or
four times a week. Last summer he spent
time on Cape Cod's Buzzards Bay with his
entire family, which totaled 14. Alan is active
as chair of the library at the Metropolitan ABOUT BOOKMAKING: Last year, we reported that the new musical, Twist, as in
Oliver, had played in Atlanta. Now, after a
summer run at the Pasadena Playhouse, it's being prepped for Broadway. BILL (WILLIAM F.) BROWN and his wife, Tina Tippit, wrote the book. You might recall that Bill
wrote the book for The Wiz, winner of Broadway's 1975 best musical, was a Tony Award It took two years, but JACK MCKENNA's book, SKY CRANE, Igor Sikorsky's Last Vision, has
been published to favorable reviews. In writing the book, Jack called upon his background as an aeronautical engineering major, FROM THE WIVES: DICK MCCLELLAND's wife,
Betty, sent a photo of their lovely and talented granddaughter, Megan, standing with a
bouquet of roses and sporting medals for
winning the Eastern National All Around
Gymnastics Championship in the 2011 USA
Junior Olympics. Incidentally, Megan's father JIM MACWHINNEY wife, Nancy, wrote from Rochester, N.Y., that although Jim has had Parkinson's for several years, he is an avid reader who enjoys spending time with friends and family, and going to concerts and an occasional lecture. Jim retired in 1997 after 40 years of general pediatric practice. IN SHORT: During this winter season in Schenectady, N.Y., GEORGE SCHMIDT must be thinking about the good times last summer in Nantucket and fly-fishing there for blues and bass. In October, PAUL INGERSOLL and Mimi celebrated their 60th with a family party. GEORGE BAILEY sent a note from across the pond, noting that although he is hardly a monarchist, he was impressed with how the British outdid themselves with the royal wedding of Kate and William. FROM OUR CLASS: We gratefully recognize the contribution that Ouida DAVIS, JIM's
widow, and PAUL HOFFLUND are making for our
class. Ouida is the chair of our associates
(widows of classmates). Paul leads our class We learned that DEAN CHACE died at his
home in Princeton Oct. 20,2011. Our sympathy goes to JIM BUTIERWORTH whose wife, Nona,
14 Dec 2011 NEWS BRIEFS: A note from Sue SPEERS, GUTHRIE's widow, reports that STEW MACCOLL will be interim minister at the Presbyterian Church in Wilton, Conn., where he was the founding pastor many years ago. Stew moves to Connecticut from Texas. EARLE LEONARD and Cornelia, his wife of 64 years, still reside in Seattle, but have moved to a retirement facility. Their family now includes eight grandchildren and three great grandchildren. "DUTCH" PRIOLEAU's granddaughter, Lainey,
played on Columbia's women's soccer team
this fall, .and his grandson, Hutson, a tad bigger than granddad at 6 feet 4 inches tall and
251 pounds, is a tight end at Texas A&M. MINI-REUNION POSTSCRIPTS: We
missed JOE ZANG at the mini. Joe, who has
stenosis of the spine, wrote that he now has a
battery-charged wheelchair that expands his
horizons but, unfortunately, not as far as DAVE BINGHAM's wife, Beverly, wrote that she and Dave would miss the mini. In April, Dave, a Navy veteran, took up residence at the Soldiers' Home in Holyoke, Mass. Bev reports he is receiving excellent care and suggests veterans in our class consider Soldiers' Homes if the need arises. Not only did CHARLIE ROSE receive kudos for co-chairing the mini with STEVE ZIMMERMAN, he added another gold star for attendance, having been to all 27 of '50'S minis. Our tour of the new Frick building
prompted former chemistry major, LANSE Reportedly seen during the mini, but not among the "official" attendees, were HENRY POWSNER, WILL RIVINUS, and BILL SCHLUTER. We just learned that DAVE WILSON died Oct. 11 in California.
16 Nov 2011 Your scribe is wont to believe that the presence of the Class of 1950, saluted before kickoff by the band, was a significant factor in
the Tiger football team snapping a l0 game
losing streak with a 24-21 win over Columbia. It was a fitting conclusion to our "Going
Back Mini Reunion" (Sept. 2S-0ct. 1), our Kudos to STEVE ZIMMERMAN and CHARLIE ROSE who arranged for campus tours, stimulating lectures by five prestigious professors, and repasts at various campus locations. The lectures, I5 minute variety, included a profile of China as a leader in the world economy (Gregory Chow), worldwide wage comparisons based the price of a Big Mac (Orley Ashenfelter), reflections on American foreign policy (Anne-Marie Slaughter '80), business ethics as related to climate change (Harold Shapiro *64)' and art in the form of bridge design (DAVE BILLINGTON). Steve and Charlie responded adeptly to the
on-site needs of the 79 who attended from
Wednesday, Sept. 2S, through Saturday, Oct.
1, 65 years after most of us entered as freshmen. First-timers were JACK SHEPPARD and There were 42 classmates - about 11 % of
our living class - and three associates on
campus. SID FOX and "DUTCH" PRIOLEAU traveled News reached us that BERT PITTIS died Sept. 2, BOB TYLER died Sept. 24, and DOUG DELANOY and STEVE PIGA died Sept. 26.
26 Oct 2011 You scribe tracks all the Princeton teams and In September followed the women's
basketball team and its junket to Paris and
Dakar. They noted that the ambassador to
Senegal was Lewis Lukens '86 *03, and that
Lukens and his wife, Lucy, were hosting the
team during its days in Africa. Little did I During Reunions, DAVE BIlliNGTON received the Alumni Council's 2011 Award for Excellence in Alumni Education: "For recognition of outstanding contributions by a person or class to the advancement of quality education by and for Princeton alumni." For many of us, "a tie that binds" is the
Class of '50. From Connecticut, ROY WELCH
wrote that he had a great visit with Sally and DAVE MCALPIN that evoked many happy memories since first grade at Miss Fine's School in We were saddened to learn that two of our classmates died July 26: BRAD POSTELL in Vero Beach, Fla., and LOU MCCARTER in Bryn Mawr, Pa
5 Oct 2011 ERNIE RUBENSTEIN was a bit "dismayed" to realize that he was the earliest of the Tom Clark clerks present at a February reunion of former clerks to Justice Tom C. Clark in Washington. After Ernie graduated from Yale Law DICK RHAME, who early on spent a couple years training at Yale Medical Center, is still working full time as a urologist in Alexandria, Va. He wrote that his health "seems OK," but he might retire as the onset of electronic medical records may lead to the long-term deterioration of the doctor-patient relationship and his enjoyment of the profession. CHARLIE KNIGHTS, one of our WWII veterans who married while at Princeton and lived two years in "The Project," sent a message that he and his wife have moved from Cape Cod to Portland, Ore., to be closer to their oldest daughter, two granddaughters, and three great-grandchildren. At our 25th reunion, the class established an endowed account for the economics department, which now provides interest income for the Bendheim Center for Finance. Its book value of $58K has grown to $893K. Last-year's income will be used to support hiring visiting professor Ana Babus, who will help supplement course offerings. Incidentally, the Bendheim Center just marked its 10th year after opening the doors of old Dial Lodge. We learned recently that DAN WESSELLS died July 11 and BOB HOLSINGER July 24.
14 Sep 2011 '50 LEADS THE WAY. Congratulations to treasurer JIM WALLACE, who was the first to submit an annual class financial report to the University. The class is solvent , too. STEVE ZIMMERMAN says it's not too late to join the 86 who plan to be in Princeton for our "Going Back" mini-reunion Sept. 26-Oct 1. Latest news is that Anne-Marie Slaughter '80 former dean of the Woodrow Wilson School and the the last two years director of policy planning for the State Department, will join University professors Orley Ashenfelter and Gregory Chow on a Friday morning panel. She appears regularly on CNN, NPR and PBS, and was named by Foreigh Policy magazine to its annual list of the "Top 100 Global Thinkers". {Also speaking, Harold Shapiro and DAVE BILLINGTON} Thanks to fellow class secretary Paul Sittenfeld '69 for sending a clipping from the Cincinnati Enquirer, which reported that VADEN FITTON was honored as the "longest giving donor to the Butler (Ohio) County United Way. In addition to donating since 1954, Vaden has a long history of service to the community, including as fundraising chairman of the bicentennial commission that funded construction fo the arts and cultural center in Hamilton that bears his name. "THAD" THOMSON wrote that despite a Miami mailing address, he continues to live in Caracas, Venezuala, where he moved in 1958. He noted that a few ailments have slowed him down, he says, "but fortunately my mind still functions except for forgetfulnesss His son, Thad IV, lives in Muscat, Oman, where as general counsel for a division of the Oman Oil Co. he travels extensively to negotiate new investments. We wish STAN JOHNSON a speedy recovery from another operation for tongue cnace. We were saddened to learn of the deaths of JACK FREY on April 11. "RUDY" RIEFSTAHL, June 25 and "CAMMY" SLACK July 1.
8 Jul 2011 Perennial off-year reunion chairman BILL OS
BORNE orchestrated this year's 61St. Among
the highlights were a Friday evening dinner
in the Professors' Lounge at Fine Hall, DAVE
BILLINGTON's award from the Committee on STEVE ZIMMERMAN reports that 59 people
have already signed up for our "Going Back" mini Sept. 28-0ct. 1 on campus. What a great
opportunity to experience the campus during
the academic year, to hear firsthand from QUINN BARTON continues to serve as historian
and archivist at his "other alma mater:' The
Bolles School in Jacksonville, Fla. No doubt
he will check on Princeton women's soccer
this fall as one of the team's talented new- In a letter responding to a March 2, 2011, PAW article on improving schools, Charles Smith '76 described the successful Santa Fe community-based organization led by BILL CARSON, which supplies general support.to two elementary schools. The wide-ranging support includes books, dictionaries, and atlases for the students; volunteer role models, mentors, and tutors; and affiliation With a health center and a family center. The results, Smith wrote, are improvement in staff morale, increased parental involvement, and better academic performance. JOHN ANDERSON died at his home in Terrace Park, Ohio, May 2.
1 Jun 2011 The word "blog" isn't found in the Webster
Colllegiate Dictionary of our college days. In
fact, its definition today includes "website" and "online," which we probably have associated with spiders. A "blog" is a website con- When your scribe recently came across a
copy of the 25th issue of "Carmina Princetonia, The Princeton Song Book" copyrighted in
1940, I was surprised to find that ROY WELCH's
father, then head of the music department,
had written the forward. He astutely wrote: "In singing familiar words and melodies one
recaptures the happiest memories of one's
life." In responding to an offer of the copy for
their archives, Mudd Library staffers said
that they had a run of Carminas, only missing No. 12 from 1906, but would dearly like By error - human, that is - the recent
Class Notes reported that Anne ROBINSON was
living in Nashville. No so - she was just visiting her son there. Anne still is living in New
Orleans and wrote: "If anyone in the class is We had recently reported encouraging
news about GUTHRIE SPEERS' rehab from heart
surgery. Unfortunately, it was premature
since Guthrie died at Massachusetts General
Hospital April 17· We lost another classmate
11 May 2011 GOING BACK: Among the many highlights
of our "Going Back" mini on campus Sept. 28-
Oct. 1, will be seeing BLAIR MACDONALD and his BACK IN MARCH: FRED SEElEY called from his Cape Cod home that he and his wife, Barea, acquired over 10 years ago. Fred still keeps busy, but at his own pace, serving on several boards and dispensing financial advice he acquired during the many years he worked for J. Henry Schroder Banking Corp. in New York. BACK TO SCHOOL: JIM CALDWELL is bowling and golfing again after three months
spent on the injured reserve to get a pace-
maker. Jim also is back at school, taking an
American history course at a community college near his Maryland home. As the course
moved into the 1930S and '40s, Jim became a THINKING BACK: When your scribe
watched Tucker Shanley '13 score the win
ning goal in the fourth overtime to beat
Brown 5-4 in the second longest game in
Princeton lacrosse history, he thought the
name Shanley must have a 1950 connection.
Sure enough. Tucker's great uncle is our
classmate, RICK SHANLEY. And like Rick, Tucker
considers fly-fishing in Pennsylvania a great A call from his brother informed us that NICOLAS OREAMUNO died Feb. 1 at his home in
Costa Rica. We also learned that ED HOUSE died
27 Apr 2011 As of last month, BILL AHRENS completed the
second of two consecutive four-year terms on
the Indian River Shores (Fla.) Council. With
term limits, he says that he is now out of politics, leaving issues concerning water supply
and distribution to the newly elected council
members. Bill reported that he is joined in
the Princeton Club of Vero Beach by five
other classmates: BILL FLAMMER, JOHN LEWIS, BRAD
recent black-tie dinner-dance for the Princeton, Harvard, Yale, and Dartmouth clubs, he
noted, "Some of us have trouble walking ... Last Halloween was no fun for GUTHRIE SPEERS. He was rushed from his local New Hampshire hospital to Massachusetts General Hospital for 12 hours of emergency open- heart surgery. The good news is that he is making slow but steady progress in rehab. BOB KELLEY is bouncing back after a couple
of bypasses and a new aortic valve. Somehow
he learned the valve was labeled "bovine" and
came from California, which he guesses
makes him part Holstein now. No, Bob, you And did you know that our class had a
presence north of the Arctic Circle during the
Christmas season? Your scribe and wife Garie
spent 13 days - seven above the circle-
plying the coastline of Norway on a freighter.
There were some sunless days,
occasional Northern Lights, and festive holi We received word that NICOLAS OREAMUNO
died Feb. 1 in his native Costa Rica. ED HOUSE
died Feb. 13 in Trenton after a recurrence of
cancer. Our condolences go to JIM GARVEY,
whose wife of 56 years, Blair, died in January.
6 Apr 2011 CHARLIE ROSE, our man about campus and webmeister, lamented that only three classmates
- BILL DIPPEL, JOE HOLMAN, and BILL OSBORNE - KEITH LORING wrote from Texas that he is
going into his 15th year as a co-founder and
leader in three prostate-cancer support
groups, and to report his new avocation:
stand-up comedy. He boasts a repertoire of
more than 200 memorized jokes. At our age,
that's one way to keep the memory sharp. HUGH MORGAN and Ann had a fine visit with Anne Robinson, widow of "Tizo" ROBINSON, in Nashville, where she now lives. The Robinsons' youngest son, Will, lives in Nashville, where he is a successful songwriter. Hugh . also caught up with VADEN LACKEY, but was unsuccessful in convincing him to come along on a trip to the Far East in February. BILL WINTERS apologized for missing our 60th because his grandson and namesake graduated from high school that weekend. He added that he has our "Going Back" campus mini on his calendar for this fall (Sept. 28· Oct. 1). Our "Going Back" mini prompted a look at
our senior poll, in which 'The Desert Island
Companion" vote caught your scribe's attention. The results: a tie between Liz Taylor and "my gal," followed by Ruth Roman and Ava
23 Mar 2011 Class president BILL HAYNES is now rehabbing
from a knee operation. One would expect
knee operations for footballers like GEORGE
SELLA and KARL GRUBER, but for a varsity swimmer? Your scribe was remiss in not reporting CATCHING UP WITH CLASS MDs: BILL
WINTERS is still "very" active in his cardiology
practice, as chief education officer of the
Methodist Hospital in Houston and as editor
of Methodist Debakey Cardiovascular Journal. With a trip a few years ago to Beirut and
fly-fishing around the world, he writes that CRAIG WALLACE's daughter, Pam '92, wrote
that Craig now is living near her in Colorado
Springs. After retirement, he lived in the DC
area for over a decade. Craig is one of '50'S
two admirals. He became a rear admiral
when called to Washington by Surgeon General C. Everett Koop to serve as assistant surgeon general. Previously, he had set up health
units under Johns Hopkins' auspices in
Ethiopia and Egypt. Our other admiral, the After retiring from the U. of Texas Southwestern Medical School in 1988, JIM MARKS
soon returned to do additional research until
2008. He and his wife, Susan, still reside in
Dallas. Besides his MD status, DICK SHARRETT We have learned that JOHN COOK died Jan.
23. HUGH KING sent the sad news that his wife,
Billie, died last December 29, after suffering a
2 Mar 2011 This may not qualify for the Guinness Book
of World Records, but certainly is a record
for our class: Three months after his 85th
birthday last April, ROLAND MINDA got an online
ordination as a Universal Life Church minis- When Betts and BILL CAMPBELL recently moved to Waverly Heights, a retirement community near Philadelphia, they added to '50S presence there. Already in residence were CHARLIE JOHNSON, BILL FLAMMER, and WALLY WALLACE. As I noted sometime ago, an assemblage of gers is called a streak or an ambush. Since I
assume that their streaking days are long
gone, it must be an ambush that VADEN FlTTON
describes when he meets JOE GREEN, DAVE KEN UNDERWOOD, now a retired architect,
claims he has spent more time in jail than
most inmates during the 20 years that his career niche was prison design. He has taken to
apartment living in New Jersey, where he is
learning to cook while ministering to his
wife, Barbara, whose mobility has been im- MARK YOUR CALENDAR: '50S first "Going Back" mini will be on campus Sept. 28-0ct. 1. 9 Feb 2011 From BILL KRAMER came news that he and
Bette had a wonderful three-week trip to
Thailand, Cambodia, Vietnam, and Laos late
last year. Three years ago they moved from
Richmond to DC, where they are now taking Our sympathy goes to BOB ROTH, who wrote
that his wife of 60 years, Jean, died last November. This remembrance that accompanied Bob's note certainly deserves space in
this column: Walking across the campus in We also extend our sympathy to JACK SHEPHERD whose wife, Rosemarie, died last June. They, like the Roths, were married for 60 years. JOHN NORTHROP left Princeton in 1949 to
work, and then to serve in the 82nd Airborne
(12 jumps). He went on to graduate Phi Beta
Kappa from Columbia in 1954, but with his
class-dues wrote, "Even though I did not grad- In a note last fall from DAVE BINGHAM's wife,
Beverly, in Northampton, Mass., she wrote
that as the song goes, they "don't get around
much anymore." Unfortunately, Dave's
Ahlzeirner's, first diagnosed more than four We were saddened to learn that JAMIESON "JAMIE" MATTHIAS died in California Nov. 8,
2010, and PETER DODD died in British Columbia 19 Jan 2011 Happy 2011! It may be Year 4708 for the Chinese, but for us it's Year 65, marking the
years since most of us entered Princeton. Some of our WWII classmates started earlier
but returned from wartime service to join the
Una and GUS FLEISCHMANN have been among
the traveling crowd. Last spring, they cruised
the Norwegian fjords from Bergen to far
above the Arctic Circle. OICK WEGHORN, who resides in the warm comfort of Vero Beach, Staying stateside, BILL LUCAS, still an active
partner in the family business and involved
with several profit and not-far-profit boards
in LA, spent a good part of the summer at his
other home - the one on Martha's Vineyard. WHARTON SHOBER, who now makes his home
in West Palm Beach, Fla., has authored an
other spy thriller, Israel Threatened. Based on
his 10 year residence in Saudi Arabia, Whartie describes it as "a merry romp through BOB BROWN came home in October after a knee infection prompted four operations, and
subsequently, four months of rehab. After all
this he is trying to adjust to a stiff leg that resulted from a steel rod cemented in place. We This is the first time your scribe has received a note from a Georgia Tech alum. Accompanying a class-dues remittance, Don
Jones (Tech '47) wrote that 34 years ago he
married Ann, the widow of ERNEST "BICK" It was sad to learn of the loss of two classmates. JOE MCDONOUGH died in Palo Alto, Calif., Oct. 22, 2010, and JOE HOOPER died in Balti more Oct. 24.
8 Dec 10 It's show time again for BILL BROWN with another musical on the boards. You
might remember that Bill wrote the libretto
for The Wiz. a version of The Wizard of Oz
that featured a black cast, and for which he
was a Tony Award nominee. This time, it's
the libretto for Twist, which moves the Dickens' novel, Oliver Twist, from 1850 London to
1928 New Orleans. Twist, the orphan in Bill's
book is the son of a black father and a white
mother, whose travails in Prohibition time
are enacted on stage with a multiracial cast.
The show opened at Atlanta's Alliance Theatre on Sept. 15. Incidentally, The Wiz is due Still in good voice, JOHN ANDERSON sent news
from Ohio that a senior singing society he organized has grown to 50 members. They sing at retirement and nursing homes throughout the year. From the F6 Ranch in Texas, DAVE AKERS wrote that he has a granddaughter at
Princeton who is now a senior. And from the
Garden State, ERIC STOCHHOLM reported that A few weeks after this date, actually Dec. 24, Beverly and GENE WEINSTOCK will celebrate their 60th anniversary. Gene proposed to Beverly under Blair Arch on Valentine's Day 1950, describing it as " the smartest and best thing I ever did." They have three children and nine grandchildren. News was received that DOUG DYNE died June 7. Of those classmates with whom we lost contact after they left Princeton, we have learned through a genealogy search that JOHN HARPER died in 1968; ERNEST WILLIS died Oct. 13, 2004; EDWIN ROBINSON died Nov. 22, 2006; and JOHN DULHAGEN died March 2, 2008.
17 Nov 10 When JIM BILLINGTON became the Librarian of Congress in 1984, announcement
of a plan to preserve "tweets" might well have
Along with his class dues, GEORGE BAILEY reported that he and Yvonne recently had
luncheon with Elizabeth and John Scott.
With a 3-year-old grandson he described as "great fun," George said he and his wife One of '50'S best athletes, WALT ARMSTRONG, who played four years of varsity basketball and baseball, and was captain of the 1950 baseball team, died in Kennett Square, Pa., Sept. 12.
3 Nov 2010 What better tribute to our 60th than from WILL RIVINUS who wrote, "Reunions were so
successful that I followed up two weeks later
with a quadruple cardiac bypass, and am now
(late August) almost fully recovered." With 339 classmates representing an 84.1 %
class participation in AG, '50 posted the highest participation of any class with more than
138 members. We were topped only by '34
(100% from 10 members) and '42 (89.1% Had a long telephone conversation last
spring with TONY SYLVESTER, who lives in Kitty
Hawk, N.C. He was calling about the death of
his four-year roommate, BILL BARRY. Tony has
given up his website but still writes editorials
for The Coastland Times in Manteo, N.C.,
which covers the northern Outer Banks. Tony
spent a good deal of his career in radio, including working in DC and owning a radio
station in Mifflinburg, Pa. Unfortunately, his Did you catch the photo of three classmates in PAW's Sept. 22 "From the Archives" (page 49)? Impeccable in their 1948 band uniforms were the late ART LEIDHEISER and AD GOBLE, and . RALPH CARDELLO who lives in Morristown, N. J. Sad to learn that ED FOLK died in Newtown, Pa., July 3; JIM DOTY in Oswego, N.Y., July 14; HUGH PERSHING in Hingham, Mass., Sept. 2.
13 Oct 2010 Having recently renewed his "poetic license," and recalling Don Stauffer's lectures, your scribe felt free to paraphrase Shakespeare to lead in this column: 'The good that men do lives after them." NICK CANADAY's son sent the news that Seattle's Downtown Emergency Service
Center has named its newest supportive
housing facility for mentally challenged men
and women Canaday House in honor of our
classmate, Nicholas Canaday, who died in
2003. Canaday House will include 83 studio Though WALKER MCKINNEY majored in eco
nomics, he loved the life sciences and made
several outright gifts to Princeton in these
areas. Upon his death in 2000, a trust and
previous endowment, as well as funds from a Soon after our 60th in Princeton, Lela and JACK BOGARDUS celebrated another 60th. This one, in Barcelona, was their 60th wedding anniversary. Also 60th attendees, Ci and JOHN MINTON, returned to their new home in Rich mond, Virginia, having relocated from their longtime residence in St. Louis. We mark the passing of two classmates: HENRY SAILER on June 22, and HARRY WEBER on July 22. Our sympathy goes to JEREMY MAIN, whose wife of 54 years, Patricia, died in March.
22 Sep 2010 It's early August as your scribe prepares the first of 14 Class Notes columns for the next academic year. Our 60th is history and, as CHARLIE ROSE noted, "It gives me pause when I realize that '50 is the senior (oldest) class being asked to take part in this year's class of ficers' orientation session." REUNION WRAP-UP. It was good to see
Dolores and JOHN HUTTON at Reunions. They
celebrated their 50th a year ago in July. With
them was their oldest son, John '82, who
teaches at Salem (N.C.) College. He has just DAN GOLDEN literally "Cleared the Track" to come to the 60th. Dan traveled by rail from Boston's South Station to New York's Penn Station, then to Princeton Junction and, finally, to Princeton on the Dinky. At our Thursday evening dinner, we welcomed LYDIA OSBORNE as an honorary classmate. Lydia is a cousin of Bill OSBORNE and shares with him a Princeton legacy dating back to the early 1800s. We are grateful for her help in handling class affairs as the assistant director and office manager at Maclean House. We missed our loyal classmate, JOE ZANG, who wrote, " I have a condition that prevents me from walking. The medical term is stenosis of the spinal column. I am otherwise OK. The only problem is, I cannot get to the reunion this year or in five years." Bill CHRISTISON died in New Mexico on June 13. NORM ROGERS died in South Carolina June 18. Belatedly, we have learned that PAUL HOFFLUND's wife, Anne, died Jan. 5, and that JOE HOLMAN's wife, Jean, died Jan. 20. 7 Jul 2010 Our outgoing president, AL ABBOTTS, observed
at our Friday, May 28, dinner that we probably gave no thought when assembled at
FitzRandolph Gate for commencement on June 13, 1950,
that soon thereafter the Class
of 1890 would be assembling
there for its 60th Reunion. No doubt, members of the About a quarter of our surviving class -
96 classmates - enjoyed perfect weather on
a campus greatly changed since we graduated
but still recognizable. They were: AARON, ABBOTTS, ADAMS, AUBREY, BANCROFT, BEATY, BIGGS, DAVE
BILLINGTON, JIM BILLINGTON; BOGARDUS, BRALLA, The memorial service on Friday, thought
fully planned by three of our clergy - Dave
McAlpin, Bill Haynes, and Guthrie Speers -
had its solemn moments as the roll of classmates deceased since our 55th was read and
its uplifting moments as Guthrie's homily, "Many Mansions," put into perspective the Kudos to Bill Haynes and his reunion committee, whose work began last year. Recognition is due Patti and Ralph Moberly whose trip from Hawaii was the longest. Thanks to another Patti, Bob Cronheim's daughter, whose nsemble played at Thursday's dinner. And while many classmates brought "kin and
kids," none came close to matching the Dave and Jim Billington clan of 34· One of the many campus offerings was the
Saturday Symposium on Scholarship by Students of David P. Billington on the Occasion
of His Retirement (1960-2010). During the One of the best one-two running combinations in Princeton cross country history was
on hand in the persons of Stan Johnson and
Ron Wittreich. While both passed up the
alumni 3.1-mile Princeton University Reunions Run Saturday morning, Ron was honored with the Larry Ellis Award for his track We were honored at several dinners and in
the P-rade by Alicia and John Nash *50,
guests of Charlie Rose. John, who earned his
doctorate from Princeton, is now a senior research mathematician still working in his We ate well: 862 meals at our five repasts.
Wine and beer consumption is confidential
class information, but there were no drinking-age incidents, since we octogenarians had been issued the University's alcohol-approval
2 June 2010 Your scribe is always pleased when an item
in the notes prompts a response from a long-
silent classmate. LEON GOLDMAN wrote that he
was amazed to see his name in the recent
Class Notes, honored as one of two class-
mates wise enough to live in Idaho. (A far cry
from the Bronx, where he went to high Kathleen and BILL CHRISTISON bring a personal and pictorial perspective to the Israeli occupation of the Palestinian territories in the
West Bank, Gaza, and East Jerusalem. In their
recently published book, Palestine in Pieces, BILL TAYLOR and wife Helga visited with BOB
TYLER, one of Bill's roommates, last November
at his Palm City, Fla., condo. Bill reports that We learned recently that JIM LINDSAY died in
New York Jan. 14, 2009·
12 May 2010 On occasions when Tigers assemble, their gathering is known as a "streak" or "ambush". Palm Springs, Calif, was the scene of such a gathering when JOHN COLWELL and Georgia Van Cleve were married there Feb 14. Not only was it Valentine's Day but it was also the first day of the Chinese Year of the Tiger! Other Tigers in the "streak" -- or if you prefer, "ambush"-- were Georgia's children, Peter '80 and his wife Andrea '80; Robert '82; Sally '84; Emory '87; and granddaughter Sarah '12. BOB STEVENS, who remarried in 2007 three years after the death of his first wife, keeps busy in North Andover, Mass., writing local and family histories, summering in New Hampshire, and traveling. Bob is undoubtedly the only classmate who claims to be living in his great-great grandfather's home. Adrienne and JACK MAXWELL continue to travel, visiting Seoul, South Korea, last spring, where he had not been since the war in the early '50s. They then went to China, which brought the countries Jack has visited to more than 90. London has become a future travel destination as Jack's son is transferring there. TONY REYNOLDS volunteered, "No news is good news, except for the class secretary." Regardless, he did provide news that he and his wife, Lynne, have occupied themselves with local travel in California, and to New York and Italy. Tony also reported talking recently with fellow Californians GEORGE FRENCH and BEN WREN. "MIKE" VIALLS died in his native South Aftica on March 24. Our sympathy goes to VADEN FITTON, whose wife, Grace, died March 30.
28 April 2010 Most MDs seem to keep practicing until they "just faed away" but not "Fax" CONQUEST. He retired in 1985 after 22 years in general surgery in Richmond. Then he prusued his life long interest in poetry, publishing a volume of his collected poems in 1994. On a CD released this month by Jackie Frost and Troupe, the lyricist for two songs, "take Me Home Yeocomico" and "OVirginia!" is none other than H. FAIRFAX Conquest. (Yeomocmico? A river in northeastern Virginia.) BOB ROTH has given up swimming in the local Masters program to better take care of his wife, Jean, who has very limited use of her left side. Bob, who took up Masters swimming when knee and ankle problems cut short his running and walking regimes, volunteered that it probably was time, since his best swimming year was 2002. When checking in from Victoria, British Columbia, with treasurer JOE GREEN, PETER DODD inquired about Joe's downsizing experience. Seems Peter is considering such a move. Your scribe was remiss in not reporting earlier that Peter's son, Dan '93, made him the grandfather of twin boys, Jesse and Logan. Jesse was named for a relative, Jesse Carter, whose Princeton class preceded Dan's by 100 years. Carter was a professor of Latin at Princeton. He was an emissary of the American Red Cross and died on the Italian front in 1917. News reached us that BILL JOHNSON died in Maryland Feb.12 and DICK PRENTISS died in Alabama Feb. 27. Our thoughts are with CHARLIE BRUMBACK, whose wife, Mary, Died last Sept.
7 April 2010 We caught up with SCOTT REED one of two classmates who live in Idaho. (LEON GOLDMAN is the other.) Scott and Mary Lou, his wife of 56 years, live in Boise. His son, Bruce '82, was a domestic-policy adviser for Bill Clinton, and now heads the Democratic Leadership Council in DC. His daughter, Tara, is a biology professor at the U. of Wisconsin in Green Bay. When asked what he was doing now, he responded, "I am still practicing law, having no retirement skills." From TED FRIEND came this
note: "After having a day dream about DICK BLANCHFIELD, my math-major friend who passed away in 1955, I called his old roommate, ART THOMAS a, retired Central Michigan U. professor. Art is MAC MACLEAN' name may not appear on the Discovery Channel, but two of his boats, the fishing vessels, Eagle II and Sea Hawk, are featured in a reality series on sword fishing in North America, mostly on the Grand Banks off Newfoundland last September through November. In November, across the Atlantic at Buckingham Palace, Angus MacDonald, the son of TEX LAMASON's wife, Nancy, was invested with an Order of the British Empire. We mark with sadness the deaths of four classmates: BILL BARRYon Jan. 9; PEARCE BROWN
lNG,Jan. 14; ED HAWKINSJan. 15; and BOB WAKEFIELD Feb 4.
17 March 2010 GEORGE AND THE BEAR: Last October while hiking in Glacier Park, GEORGE ZABRISKIE and his brother, Sandy '52, came upon a grizzly bear chomping on grass about 10 or 15 feet away. Fortunately, George lived to report that she was more inter - ested in getting ready for winter than in partaking in some vintage tiger meat. Or was it that the bear knew that George had celebrated his 50th wedding anniversary in June, and respected family values? (George failed to mention how he determined the grizzly's gender, but we will take his word for it.) FRAN AND THE PIG: One does not picture FRAN WOOD as being bored, but he wrote that "just to avoid boredom," he and his physician experts elected to replace his malformed aortic cardiac valve last October with a porcine (pig) valve. After a six-day hospital stay, he returned home to patiently await his breastbone (sternum) to heal so he could support his elderly muscular activities such as
Calling upon his experience as a top executive at Sikorsky Aircraft, JACK MCKENNA has completed a book due out in June on the Sikorsky SKYCRANE Helicopter. The helicopter was Igor Sikorsky's last and most radical design, and, despite skeptics, met his expectations of creating new military and commercial applications. It first flew in 1961. Many are still flying worldwide today.
24 February 2010 GOING BACK (from Florida): From St. Petersburg, BILLWALLACE first enjoyed last year's reunion dinner, then took in all the graduation events as his grandson graduated with the Class of 2009. From Jacksonville, QUINN BARTON came back during a Thanksgiving visit to his son in NYC, checking out his old dorm, Foulke Hall (Entry 1), ------ and his club, Cloister Inn, neither of which he had seen for many years. However, bucking this trend, JIM MCCLAVE is staying put in Stuart, "enjoying the Golden Years," and HARRY MOOREhas left West Virginia to winter in Longboat Key. ROY WELCH'swife of 62 years, Connie, died in September 2008. He wrote that it took a while, but he is now able to enjoy living in Stone Ridge, a new life-care facility in Mystic, Conn. TED MELDAH whose wife Joyce died last April, has moved to Homestead Hills, a senior community in Winston Salem, N.C., where he finds the lifestyle to his liking. RETURNS ARE IN: Having received no nominating petitions for class officers, president AL ABBOTTSdeclared the proposed slate of officers will take office the "Sunday of the class major-reunion week, for a term of five REID HEUER died June 15, 2009, in Blacksburg, Va. HALE ANDREWS died Dec. 7, 2009, in Berkeley Springs, W. Va.
3 February 2010
GIVE ME AN "I": For PAUL IN GERSOLL, who received the Bryn Mawr Hospital Foundation's Gerhard Award last November for dedication to the hospital through "advocacy, philanthropy, leadership, and service." A month earlier, Paul and his wife, Eleanor, celebrated 50 (plus 8) years of marriage. GIVE ME AN "F": For GUS FLEISCHMANN, who sent the news below that provided the "Y" to complete "FIFTY."Gus and his wife, Una, are"still going strong" after 50 (plus 8) years. GIVE ME A "T': For BILL TOMLINSON, who still sings bit parts with the Diablo Theatre Company in the SF Bay area, where he and Mary, his wife of 50 (plus 7) years, have lived since the early '50s. Bill's singing career goes back farther, at least to glee clubs at Episcopal Academy and Princeton. GIVE ME A "Y": For the Yosemite Fund, which recently profiled Lillian and JON LOVELACE to honor them for giving the time, talent, and financial resources that facilitated the fund's early high-country projects: trail repair, wilderness restoration, and reintroduction of peregrine falcons and bighorn sheep. Jon also introduced the fund to his company, The Capital Group, which has become an active corporate steward of the park. Our kudos to Lillian and John, who have been together 50 (plus 9) years. Fifty! Fifty! Fifty!
13 January 2010 Chairman BIll HAYNES and his committee are "clearing the tracks" for our return to Old Nassau. Our '50 is 60 in '10 reunion will be May 27-30, 2010. Meanwhile, news from the hinterlands trickles in with class dues. HANK BIRD is now a landlubber, having given up rowing after over 60 years on the water. At last report, he was still active in the Maine Rowing Association, Habitat for Humanity, and his local neighborhood, and has nine grandchildren. Hank reported that he had a good visit with ED LAWRENCE and Ed's wife, Millie. No doubt Hank and Ed reminisced about their rowing days with the 150-pound crew on Lake Carnegie. The other LAWRENCE in our class, BEN, is still enjoying summers at his lake cottage in Michigan, but lamented that the lake was not swimmable about half the summer ~ since his minimum entry temperature is 73 degrees. Ben's fellow chemical engineer, RALPH CARDELLO, continues to live the quiet life in New Jersey. Visiting his children - a daughter in Virginia, a son (Class of '84) in California, and now eight grandchildren -_ requires a bit of travel. Our 24-17 win over Yale November should have delighted FRED DANFORTH, who lives in New Haven and perennially writes that he has to suffer the "arrogant Yalies." BIll INGERSOll died in Arizona Oct. 9, 2009. BOB SELLERS died in North Carolina Oct. 24, 2009. Our sympathy goes to JACK FARMER, whose wife of 50 years, Aurilla, died last summer.
9 December 2009 It's a new gig for both Merle and ROLAND MINDA. They are now appearing TED FRIEND's son, Tom, is a senior writer for ESPN.com and ESPN, The Magazine. One of his latest articles was a poignant story about gold medal Olympians Al Joyner and his wife, Florence "Flo [o" Griffith, who died prematurely in 1998. While at our mini-reunion in Milwaukee, Joan and GLENN SILER recounted their summer trip from Vancouver to Anchorage, Ala., with their three sons and wives (sans grandchildren). A highlight was witnessing calving of the spectacular Huber Glacier. Incidentally, Glenn was among the 19 classmates at graduation who listed the St. Louis area as their residence. The Silers now live near St. Louis in Eureka. ALAN KIRK made a trip to Tuscany in late May. He wrote that he is "keeping fit, busy, and happy- and playing loads of golf." DID YOU KNOW THAT ... JIM BILLING TON entered his 23rd year as Librarian of Congress Sept. 14. His tenure is the fourth longest of the 13 librarians; the first appointed by the president in 1800 . Our class has two admirals: CRAIG WALLACE who served as assistant surgeon general, and the late JIMMY LIPSCOMB while in the Coast Guard Reserve. The late PHIL KUNHARD prepared the first dummy copies of PEOPLE magazine. BARKER GUMMERE died in Newtown, Pa., Sept. 29,2009.
15 November 2009 WEST COAST NEWS. TONY REYNOLDS, whose career has been in personal financial planning, reported that he is still working. Part time, that is. His wife, Lynne, is director of alumni relations for the Stanford School of Business. Happily for them, their twin grandchildren live about an hour from their Menlo Mary and "BO" LINDSAY have a longer trip from their Pacific Grove (Calif.) home to visit their offspring in western Washington State. This summer they combined a family visit with a stopover in Seattle for a day to visit with Bunny and FRAN WOOD and Natalie and BERNIE ADAMS, who were spending time away from Colorado with the Woods.
STAN PLENINGER, our lone Alaskan classmate, died in Anchorage Aug. 29, 2009. DICK GAMBLE, a member of the executive committee, died in Boston Oct. 6, 2009. DON FISHER, an honorary classmate and founder of The Gap, died in California Sept. 27, 2009. We extend our sympathy to BOB BROWN, November 4, 2009
October 7, 2009 Recently PAW asked if any of our classmates were authors whose books had been made into movies. A survey came up dry. However, the question prompted Bill Dippel to volunteer that he once slept in F. Scott Fitzgerald’s Princeton room in Little Hall. September 23, 2009
July 15, 2009 June 10, 2009
May 13, 2009
REMINDER: Warm-up for the 60th by coming to Old Nassau for our 59th. BILL OSBORNE has arranged our class dinner for Friday evening, May 29, in the professors’ lounge atop Fine Hall. Saturday meals will be available at ’49’s 60th headquarters at Forbes College. Attend the 59th and double up by coming to Milwaukee for our 26th mini-reunion Sept. 23-27 (see Web site).
While we normally report the loss of a classmate with a brief notice at the close of Class Notes, an exception is in order. Class stalwart "PETE" BUCHANAN died in Beverly,Mass., Feb. 9 from complications of prostate cancer. The class owes a great deal to Pete, who was a longtime member of the executive committee, class secretary for 15 years, a one-term AGchairman, a memory bank: of class history, the initiator of the tradition of class minireunions, an organizer of four '50 minis (in Newburyport, Mass., in DC, and two in Salem, Mass.), and a source of guidance for organizers of our other 21 minis. We will miss Pete.
North Carolina is now horne to two classmates. After almost 50 years in Princeton, Betty and DICK MCCLELLAND moved to Charlotte. This brings them nearer their three sons and their families, whose count comes to 17 McClellands. Cynthia and BILL BERNART have moved south from Virginia to Raleigh, likewise to be closer to their children.
18 March 09 1950 IN THE MEDICALWORLD: JOHN COLWELL was awarded South Carolina's highest civilian honor, The Order of the Palmetto, by Gov.Mark Sanford in December. John was recognized as an outstanding physician and a leader in the medical community and for his dedication to the cause of diabetes research, patient care, and education. Later in December, Medical U. of South Carolina trustees designated the school's diabetes research center as The John A. Colwell Diabetes Research Center. John is a past president of the American Diabetes Association and a master of the American College of Physicians.
4 March 09 What do a recycling station, a pipe organ,
and a weekly radio program have in common? According to an article in the Morgan (W.Va.)Messenger: "Cars and trucks
Last October, Little Rock, Ark., TV station KLR broadcast a five-minute interview with DAVID MILLER to mark the 25th anniversary of the syndicated weekly radio jazz program he produces. Swingin' Down The Lane with David Miller is now carried on 50 National Public Radio stations plus a station in Hamburg, Germany. Ironically, the program has been running far longer than the "Big Band" era, which is one of its main features. And to think, the program is rooted in David's boyhood in Elizabeth, N.J.,where he saved his nickels and dimes to purchase 78 rpm recordings of popular music.
11 February 09 Couldn't help noticing a 'Tiger" award for an item in recent Class of '75 notes
28 January 09 Mark your 2009 calendar for two class
reunions: Our next mini-reunion will be in
Milwaukee Sept. 23-26, where CHARLIE
GUTENKUNST's wife, Deeann, is forging ahead
with plans for an influx of classmates for our
26th mini. BILL OSBORNE off-year reunion
expertise continues to hold him in good
stead as he shapes plans for our 59th during
Reunions weekend, May 28-31. Both will be
great warm-ups for our 60th in 2010, which the Chinese presciently designated as the
Year of the Tiger, as they did for 1950, our
graduation year. DON WEST did not tell us - but we have pictorial evidence - that he was in Europe last fall. HANK RENTSCHLER sent a photo of his sister, Liz, and Don in Dresden last October. All Hank learned from his sister was that they had met Don at breakfast. Thyrza and GEORGE ZABRISKIE traveled last summer from their Montana horne to the Zabriskie family house in Hancock Point, Maine, for their annual sojourn there. All 12 members of the Zabriskie family branch were present for the first time in 10 years. Ann and BILL LUCAS celebrated their 50th
wedding anniversary Dec. 19. They continue
to travel from their LA home to summer in
Martha's Vineyard. The Vineyard population
swelled last summer as the Lucases' four children
Maybe at this very time RUSS KIRBY, onetime
Princeton swimmer, is soaking up the
sun on a beach. Russ left the chill of his
Minnesota home in December for six months
in Hawaii. He added that he now has a new
heart valve - the pig variety. Hope this
doesn't ruin his appetite at a traditional luau. BUT SOME STAY HOME FOR GOOD
REASON: Gloria and RALPH CARDELLO welcomed
home one of their eight grandchildren,
a grandson who returned in October
from the war in Afghanistan. They are living
a "quiet life" in New Jersey, where two of
their daughters living nearby keep tabs on We extend sympathy to two classmates
who have lost their lifelong spouses: ROBERT
FORREST, whose wife of 60 years, Jean, died
Sept. 11; and STUART HAYES, whose wife of
almost 59 years, Louise, died Oct. l. News of the death of two classmates has reached us. Bill STEVENSON died Oct. 9 and SAMUEL ROBINSON, affectionately known as"Tizo," died Nov. 10.
17 December 08 I recently heard from BEN LAWRENCE who was trying to catch up with his roommate, JOHN MINTON. He enjoys summers at his Lake Michigan cottage, and now is back in his Ohio home for the winter, where his voice bolsters the church choir. John just celebrated both his 80th birthday and completion of radiation treatments for prostate cancer. He still plays tennis several times a week in St. Louis, and is contemplating retirement next year. In Richmond, maybe.
It has been a busy and rewarding time for
Pablo Debenedetti, the Class of 1950
Professor in Engineering and Applied
Sciences. On July 1, Professor Debenedetti
assumed the position of vice dean of the
engineering school. On Class Day he won the
School of Engineering and Applied Science
Distinguished Teacher Award, and at
Commencement, he received the President's
Award for Distinguished Teaching. With a dearth of news until the class dues
start flowing to treasurer JOE GREEN space permits
tribute to our previous eight class secretaries. EDWARD 'DOUGH" HOLYOKE former chief surgeon at Roswell Park Cancer Institute, died Sept. 29 in Sandy Pond, near Oswego, N.Y.
19 November 2008 The saying goes that "old soldiers just fade away." This is not true of some teachers, especially two classmates who reside in Princeton. Bill HAYNES has retired from office practice, but still teaches third-year medical students using cardiology case studies. He also conducts seminars about healing, faith, and prayers based on personal experiences recounted in the book he co-authored, Is There a God in Health Care? DAVE BILLINGTON, Princeton professor of civil and environmental engineering, was quoted in the E-Quad News as saying, "Equations are only part of engineering .... I don't consider engineers educated unless they learn something about history." To this end, he continues to teach two cross-disciplinary courses - "Structures and the Urban Environment" and "Engineering in the Modern World." Two hundred or more students sign up for each course in which Dave's lectures illustrate that engineering is intricately connected to economics and politics, to history and art. The News described his lectures as "entirely given from memory, but as enthusiastically as if for the first time." In September, Dave's brother, JIM BilLINGTON, began his 21st year as the 13th Librarian of Congress. Since Congress authorized it in 1800, the library has greatly broadened its outreach, as exemplified this year when Jim named children's book author Jon Scieszka as the country's first national ambassador for young people's literature, a kind of children's-book version of the library's poet laureate. There was a time when "hip" referred to a mindset, but now that we have "aged" ... oops, cancel that ... "matured," it more likely brings to mind a body part. Point in hand: SID FOX had his left hip replaced in August, to go along with his right one done nine years ago. "Hip" again, he and Jean were off on a Columbia River cruise in October. News came from Maryland that HOWARD COHEN died Oct. 2.
5 November 2008 We trust that when you read thls Column, written in late September, meaningful action will be under way to address the financial crisis. And surely it will bear the mark of Federal Reserve chairman Ben Bernanke. Bernanke has said that many of his actions are based on his study of the Great Depression while at Princeton. So where does the Class of '50 fit into this scenario? Here is what I gleaned from HANK RENTSCHLER: Going back to our 25th, there was pressure to give all our memorial insurance to AG. BILL MARITZ and JACK WILSON led the resistance to this proposal and succeeded in establishing a class fund for the economics department. Since then, on an annual basis, fund income has been used by the Financial Research Center for collecting data that have been the underpinning of economic studies such as Bernanke's. Thus our class action in 1975 has manifested itself in the "nation's service" 33 years later. After leading our class to 71.3% participation in last year's AG, chairman BILL DIPPEL writes, " I am sure our classmates will be astonished to learn that in spite of the financial meltdown, it will be business as usual in the AG department, and they can expect to see my first letter in mid-November." JIM CALDWELL is enjoying his retirement from Westinghouse in Maryland with time aplenty to pare some strokes from his golf handicap. BOB CRONHEIM is still working as a Realtor/developer in New Jersey. Even though his grandson qualified for this year's US Amateur Golf Tournament, Bob's golfing friends often remind him that his grandson's talent obviously was not inherited from his grandfather. After a long struggle with Parkinson's, JOHN CORNOG died in Connecticut July 26, 2008.
22 October 2008
SIDNEY VAN DEN BERGH joined previously recognized astronomers such as Edwin Hubble when he was awarded the 2008 Catherine Wolfe Bruce Gold Medal. This annual award, dating back to 1898, is the Astronomical Society of the Pacific's most prestigious award for lifetime achievement in astronomy. Sidney is now researcher emeritus of Dominion Astrophysical Observatory in British Columbia. There is much more than most of us envision when looking skyward, as attested by Sidney's distinguished work on galaxies and their stellar content. His fundamental work has included contributions to studies of local group galaxies, dwarf galaxies, and galactic morphology. He has added significantly to the understanding of the extra-galactic distance scale, globular and open star clusters, supernovae, and metal abundances and chemical evolution of the universe. All of which brings to mind Plato's observation: "Astronomy compels the soul to look up, and leads us from this world to another." The previous column sadly noted the death of GEORGE RIESZ, chairman of Planned Giving for our class. The 1746 Society recognizes those classmates or spouses who have made gifts to the University in the form of an annuity. After the death of a donor, the gift goes to a University program that the donor designated. Our class now has 48 society members (including some who are deceased) and a fund value of over $4 million. ERNIE RUBENSTEIN wrote that he and DON COHN attended the memorial service for SHELDON ElSEN's wife, Gerri. She died Aug. 15 from multiple sclerosis. Despite being diagnosed with MS in her early 20S, Gerri led a happy and extremely productive life. Our thoughts are with Sheldon and his family. News arrived that ROBERT BAIRD died in New Jersey Aug. 22, 2008, and BARRY VROMAN died in Maine Aug. 24, 2008.
8 Oct 2008 No, this is not Lawrence of Arabia (he went to Oxford). Rather, it is WHORTON "ED" SHOBER, who just published his third novel, Royal Sands. Ed lived and worked in Saudi Arabia for 10 years, participating in the still-secret negotiations for an Iraqi oil pipeline over Saudi territory and a maintenance contract for Saudi helicopter gunships. He co-founded and was CEO of Saudi Arabia's first and largest hospital management company. Ed Withheld publication of this "page-turning plot of Royal skullduggery and intrigue" for 18 years to avoid any quesition of breaking confidentiality and trust. Ed is part of Our London contingent that routinely gets together. The latest gathering reported by JOHN SCOTT was with COLUMBUS O'DONNELL, Ed, and their wives at a reception by William Polk Carey '52 in Spencer House, St. James. JOHN wrote that hundreds partook of endless Veuve Clicquot, canapes, and caviar, while a string quartet and harpist played Mozart divertimenti. Not too shabby! If homegrown crime is more to your liking, ROLAND MINDA's wife, Merle, recently coauthored Famous Crimes: Stories of Law & Order in Minnesota, which begins with the St. Paul gangster era in the 1930S, when John Dillinger and Ma Barker were safely holed up there. We 2007 mini-reuners vividly recall the stories of the St. Paul gangsters during one of Our city tours. We have lost a dedicated classmate. GEORGE RIESZ, who led our Planned Giving in recent years, died Aug. 23, 2008, after an 18-year fight with cancer.
24 Sep 2008
Sixty-two years ago the Class of '50 entered Princeton as the first truly post-World War II class. Our ages ranged from 16 to the early 30s. Our number, now officially set at 782, was swelled by veterans who opted for their graduation year instead of their acceptance year. WWII veterans constitute over onequarter of our class roster. Speaking of veterans, TONY FRYER, who served in the Navy, reported that earlier this year he and wife, Angeline, took a Pacific theater cruise from Auckland to Osaka, stopping off at such bitterly contested islands as Iwo Jima and Okinawa. Tony was the first Japanese consulate general in Buffalo, acting in that honorary post for 22 years. He now dabbles in the travel business. Another seagoing tiger was BO NIXON. He and his wife, Edie, sailed on the first leg of the maiden voyage of the Queen Victoria from NYC to LA via the Panama Canal. Eva and DON COHN sent them off in proper New York fashion with a bon voyage dinner. STEVE HALLIDAY, also a Navy veteran, is now in his 51st year with Renite. His family business, founded in 1932, manufactures lubricants and other products used in the hot forming of glass and metalworking. The summer has brought some sad news. ROGG COLLINS died May 17,2008. DAVID POOR died June 11. ORVILLE "JACK" ANDERSON died July 15· In seeking the whereabouts of a Peddie classmate, AL ABBOTTS learned that RAYMOND LAST died Oct. 12, 1996. On another sad note, SID FOX reported the death of David Humphreys, our "class baby" and son of our late classmate, ART HUMPHREYS, July 25, 2008. David was the husband of Sid's daughter, Lydia '81, and Sid's godson.
16 July 2008 58 AND COUNTING: Marking 58 years since graduation,Sl classmates, wives, and guests gathered for a class dinner in Fine Hall Tower Friday night of Reunions weekend. Classmates present were: ABBOTTS, BEATY, DAVE BILLINGTON, BOGARDUS, CAMPBELL, CARSON (all the way from Santa Fe), CHACE, CHRISTENSEN, CRONHElM, DIPPEL, DUNCAN, EDWARDS, ERDMAN, FISHER, FREEMAN, HAYNES, LAMASON, MCALPIN, MINTON, OSBORNE, RENTSCHLER, RIVINUS, ROSE, BILL and FRED SCHLUTER, and STAATS-WESTOVER. Kudos to dinner chairman BILL OSBORNE On the Saturday of our Baltimore mini, an event honoring a classmate was taking place in Baltimore County. That was the Benjamin H. Murray. Memorial Steeplechase race. "Laddie" is one of Princeton's most highly decorated war heroes. He was awarded the Navy Cross, the nation's second-highest military honor, for" extraordinary heroism as a forward outpost commander" in the Korean War. On the night of March 26, 1953, he suffered severe wounds while exposing himself to rally his men and repulse a fierce enemy attack. Laddie went on to be an outstanding rider on the Maryland point-to-point circuit. Unfortunately, he died prematurely in 1964, perhaps in part from the trauma of his Korean War wounds. PETE ARMSTRONG, whom we lost in March 2007, had written that he was no more than 2,000 yards away from Laddie that night. Pete added, "If you were an infantryman as I was, you might as well have been 100 miles away. The world of an infantry platoon commander is a very narrow one. I never learned about Laddie's award for months thereafter." Class president Al Abbotts and others attended the annual luncheon at Prospect House in April for undergraduates who were recipients of the 11 scholarships associated with our class. Al described the group as "diverse, intelligent, and sociable." In March, Ricky and PAUL DIDISHEIM had lunch with Hyeon-Ju Ryoo '11, who benefited from their scholarship. The class scholarship, 50's Fund 2000, has grown to a market value of $824,000 with income of S36,000. BOB STEVENS just shared the news with us that he married Anne Adams March 10, 2007. Bob's first wife, Nancy, died in 2004. He and the new Mrs. Stevens are residing in Andover, Mass. Apologies to JEREMY MAIN for belatedly reporting that last October he was among members of the Time-Life Alumni Society who spent three days in DC. He wrote that the highlight of the trip was lunch at the Library of Congress, where his roommate, librarian JIM BilLINGTON, "held us spellbound with a brilliant, soaring talk on libraries, reading, education, digitizing, and other subjects within his vast grasp." After completing his training regimen at the Baltimore mini, BOB BROWN drove back to his other home in North Carolina to compete in the annual Sun City Hilton Head Triathlon. Bob finished first in the over-80 division. Not surprisingly, he noted that he faced fewer competitors than he did last year when he was in the 75-80-year-old division. TIGER BITS: At last report, DICK PRENTISS was looking for a literary agent for his novel. Leah and JOE MCDONOUGH are still enjoying retirement in Palo Alto, especially with family living in California. Bette and Bill KRAMER have moved from Richmond to DC with plans to keep their minds stimulated by the many cultural, political, and athletic opportunities the nation's capital provides. Earlier this year, Betty and STEVE ZIMMERMAN sat with Allison and DAVE WilSON at the big Pacific Life Open professional tennis tournament, as they have for the last 10 years. JACK CRITES died March 15,20°7. Our sympathy goes to PETER DE ROETTH, whose wife, Lisa, died in early April.
1 June 2008 Although the calico cat is Maryland's official cat, the tiger's orange and black was a far greater presence in Baltimore April 16-20, when '50 gathered by the inner harbor for its 25th mini-reunion. PETE BUCHANAN, archivist of mini data, announced that of the 106 attendees, 54 were classmates. Three first-timers, MACK BLACK, JIM EARL, and TOM PAINE, brought the total of classmates attending at least one mini to 255. Associates Phoebe BALLARD, Virginia CRAWFORD, and Ouida DAVIS graced the group. Missed were Baltimoreans, CAMMY SLACK and JOE HOOPER whose health precluded their attendance. BO and Ellie KELLY, with PAS MITCHELL, LUKE HOPKINS and BILL GILBERT, skillfully orchestrated a full schedule of sightseeing, events, and dining. Just some of the highlights were: a Naval Academy visit with a private recital on the chapel's 15,000-pipe organ and lunch at the officer's club, where an ESPN commentator/Navy sailing coach dramatically traced the history of competitive sailing: a breakfast cruise of Baltimore Harbor well after "dawn's early light"; and a lecture on genomes by Pas' on, Dr. Braxton Mitchell '78, in the U. of Maryland's historic Anatomic Theatre. Did you know that Maryland's history is intertwined with the Class of 1950? Two of the state's most prestigious institutions were founded by members of classmates' families: BO KELLY's grandfather was a founder of Johns Hopkins Hospital and LEW BANCROFT's great-uncle was founder of the Naval Academy. The Saturday evening dinner with Sen. Paul Sarbanes '54 as honored guest climaxed the reunion. Honorary classmate BOB MILNE, fresh from Tokyo, provided dinner music, and afterward Joan and Addie "cut the rug" to the applause of their mates, AL ABBOTTS and JACK ROBINSON, and the assembled. Reports (unconfirmed) are that a few loitered in the city on Sunday to get a final Maryland crab cake.
May 14, 2008 REPORTS FROM OUR EAST COAST STRINGERS. From New Hampshire: GUTHRIE SPEERS sent a January clipping from the Rappahannock (Va.) News. A front-page headline proclaimed Linda and Bill DIETEL the county's "2007 Citizens of the Year." As a friend said, "The Dietels have been involved with practically every major initiative in the county that is concerned with education, selfhelp, and community service." Among the accolades, Bill was described as an "eloquent and charismatic speaker" who last year urged a full auditorium to support a school budget that he felt critical for the system's continued improvement. Linda and Bill coauthored The Board Chairman Handbook, which has become a standard in the nonprofit community since it was published in 2001. They also run their own philanthropic fund. Bill's activities are not limited to Rappahannock County. He is chairman of the board of GuideStar International, a London organization that promotes charitable giving, and president of NYC and LA foundations. From Pennsylvania: CHARLIE ROSE wired that Princeton resident BOB STAATS-WESTOVER was acknowledged by the author of New Jersey Graveyard and Gravestone Inscriptions Locators - Mercer County for his graciousness in producing the fine, computer-rendered maps for this series. From Delaware: Bill DIPPEl sent a release that the U. of Chicago Press has published the Hard Road West. The book was written by South Carolinian TED MElDAHl's son, Keith, who is a professor of geology and oceanography at Mira Costa (Calif.) College. It is described as "an amazing book ... which opens up a whole new dimension of the California Gold Rush." Wrote another reviewer, "Fans of John McPhee '53 will find many familiar pleasures in Hard Road West." Three classmates have left our ranks. JOHN MAY died March 23, 2008; TOM DUNN died March 25, 2008; and FRANK EWING died Sept. 1, 2004. We regret that the date reported for the death of DAVE JORDAN's wife, Bess, was in error. It was Feb. 6, 2008, not 2007.
April 23,2008 - "PDQ" (but not what you think). "P" FOR PRINCETON REUNIONS: Celebrate our 58th at the class dinner in the Professors' Lounge atop Fine Hall Tower Friday, May 30. "0" FOR DOCTORS: HEWITT RYAN was recently elected chief of staff at Bryce Hospital in Tuscaloosa, Ala., one of the psychiatric hospitals Dorothea Dix help found before the Civil War. The hospital was almost burned down during that conflict by Croxton's Raiders. Fortunately for Hewitt, Dr. Peter Bryce talked Gen. Croxton out of torching it. Familywise, Valorie and Hewlitt's four children and three grandchildren are "spread to the four winds." LANSE HOSKINS claims he is enjoying life in the "slower lane." He is teaching medical students 12 weeks this year, seeing patients half a day each week at Cleveland (Ohio) VA Medical Center, and continuing research in his lab. What was the faster lane like? At last report, HANK Betts is working every day at the Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago. Hank retired three years ago as its president/ CEO; then, as its chairman, after a $93 million fundraising campaign. He also works with six other organizations dealing with disability, and has worked for better rehabilitation for severely disabled veterans from the war. With Mayor Richard Daley and civic leaders, Hank helped assemble a dynamic approach to the employment of the disabled. Sadly, the medical community lost a member when ED SCHOTT died Feb. 13, 2008. "Q" FOR QUANDARY: BOB CRONHEIM writes that his grandson and namesake is one of the best amateur golfers in the New York metro area. With him now playing NO.1 at Cornell, the Big Red has moved up to toprated Ivy men's golf team, surpassing Princeton and Yale, which have dominated in recent years. Laments Bob, "When Princeton and Cornell are in the same tournament, what's a loyal alum to do?"
April 2, 2008 NO GRASS GROWING UNDER THESE TIGER FEET. BOB SCHElLING spent three weeks in Italy last fall to celebrate his 80th birthday. While visiting wellknown locales such as Siena, Assisi, and Verona, he learned quickly that "cinque minutes could be from five minutes to five hours, 500 meters could be up to five miles, and everything is uphill." Three days after the Minneapolis mini that they hosted, Merle and ROLAND MINDA flew to Venice. Soon thereafter they went to New Zealand and Australia. Roland commented that traveling like this is "the challenge of being married to a 13-yearsyounger bride who is disconcertingly vibrant. It does require the senior partner to keep up or be left in the dust," he says. JOHN MAXWELL took time out from consulting and serving on five nonprofit boards to cruise the Mediterranean from Nice to Athens with Adrienne last fall. About the same time, Nell and ROGER SMITH were sailing on the Rhone and Saone rivers in France and tacked on five days in Paris. Perennial travelers Maggie and GEORGE RIESZ made two trips: in spring to Brazil and the Amazon; in fall on a Norwegian coastal ship from Bergen around the North Cape and back. Seta and JOHN NORTHROP found exploring the Galapagos Islands on an eight-cabin motor sailor a delight for nature lovers. Your scribe and his wife, Garie, took an ecological tour of Costa Rica and a passage through the Panama Canal this February. Last June, along with JULIE BUXTON's widow, Anne, we represented '50 on a Princeton Journeys trip to Siberia's Kamchatka Peninsula that featured 17 zodiac landings to study birds, animals, geology, and archaeolo gy on this sparsely populated land. News reached us that BILL WELBON died Feb. 5,2008, and JAY REESE died Feb. 7, 2008. Our sympathy goes to DAVE JORDAN, whose wife, Bess, died Feb. 6, 2007. March 19, 2008 Gloucester , Mass. , America 's oldest seaport and a town we visited during our 22nd minireunion, has a new mayor, ALAN KIRK's daughter-in-Iaw, Carolyn. Elected last November, she, like mayors of most old cities, faces an urban "perfect storm." In the case of Gloucester , this has been spawned by budget deficits, a depressed fishing industry, and a crumbling infrastructure. Carolyn's husband, Bill, and two other Kirk offspring live in the Gloucester area, so Alan has a good reason to visit the Bay State . However, this did not preclude a trip he and wife Joan took to Egypt last March, and his ongoing efforts to shoot his age on the links. STEVE ZIMMERMAN's son-in-law, Gil Reavill, has two recent publications. The first, Aftermath, Inc., deals with a bona fide company that cleans up gore at crime scenes. Probably not bedtime reading, since it has been described as "violence on steroids." The second book, which Reavill co-authored with Tiki Barber, is Tiki, about the retired New York Giants running back and now TV personality. JOHN GOESSlING, who has joined the ranks of great-grandfathers, still goes to his office daily, That is, when he is not traveling or duck and dove hunting with his two dogs, a Labrador and an English setter. And speaking of dogs, MACKNIGHT BLACK wrote that his Airedale bitch, Wildwood's New Yorker of Armack, won her AKC championship last June. He was explicit that this item could be used if needed for filler, "but please not sandwiched between breaking news that one classmate has won a Nobel and another will receive 'brain surgeon of the year' recognition." Thus, it is a fitting close for this column.
March 5, 2008
TIGER TREASURES: All our classmates are treasures in their own right, but Georgia and BILL CARSON are officially included among Santa Fe's Living Treasures. And rightfully so. In 1997 they started a volunteer literacy program in a public K-6 school with 90%, low-income students. Today, there are 85 volunteers helping in two schools. The program has expanded to provide physical education, health-care support, and books, and has touched almost 20,000 youngsters. Bill is also chairman of the city's children and youth commission. TIGER PREPPIES, IN THE BEST SENSE: Belatedly, we report that the Pennington (N.J.) School honored DICK SHARRETT in October 2006 with isTower Award. This award is the schoo\"s highest recognition for long and faithful service. Bill attended Pennington from the second grade until his graduation in 1946. He is now on its board of trustees. BILL FLAMMER sustains his lifelong commitment to Loomis Chaffee, where he is midway through his second term on its board of trustees. This still leaves him time for interests in the Philadelphia Museum of Art and the Natural History Museum of the Adirondacks. TIGER MINISTERS: LEN PALIN continues to minister on the pastoral staff of South Shores Church in California. CHARLIE SLACK, our most distant classmate, continues to pastor a Christian fellowship in a tiny western Australia fishing village 300 kilometers north of Perth. ROWLAND ROBERTS died Jan. 1, 2008. We extend condolences to JOHN COLWELL, whose wife, Jane, died Dee. 6, 2007, and to Connie and ROY WELCH, whose daughter, Alyson, died Nov. 12, 2007.
The Web Manager is Charles H. Rose '50. ©2004 The Princeton University Class of 1950.
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