
I need your help. This web site was developed to supplement Ken Perry's PAW material
and to memorialize class notes and memorials and Mini Reunions. Anything more recent than Jan 2020
can be found at the following -
Did you know that you can read PAW on-line?
You can find memorials for all classes here:
(Scroll down a bit to find a list of recent deaths on the right-hand side of the page.)
Class notes are also available here:
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At the ReunionFriday dinner at the Nassau Club in 2019 were , Alexander H’50,
Anderson H’50, Campbell, Duncan, Erdman, Haynes, McAlpin, Rivinus,
Robinson, Rose.
The food and company were great,
Bill Haynes walked the whole P-rade, as did the oldest returning alumnus. Tex rode in
the cart.
There was another great dinner on Saturday, hosted by
Judy Schiede in honor of the Old Guard.

Beth Rose '77, Bob Dyer, Charlie Rose '50, Bill Dyer and Meg McFarland.
Daughters and Grand Sons. The Grand Sons gave the cheer for the President
at the end of the P-rade. Pix taken at GCEPS lecture by Bill Frist '74. Bill's
undergraduate theis was on the need for a student center. His family gave one.
From PAW . Saturday
began with a surprise for one of 77's P-rade marshals, Beth Rose. She was named
the 2019 recipient
of the Thomas
Foster Huntington
'42 Princeton
University P-rade
Marshal Award.
Behind that rather long name is recognition
for "outstanding long-term service to the
one and only Princeton University P-rade." Inaugurated in 2010, it was named for a vice
president of Trans World Airlines and later
of the Conference Board who died in 2008.
But here's why his name is on this award: He
served as a marshal in 65 P-rades. And here's
why this year's winner deserved it: For Beth,
it hasn't just been about getting to 08544
every year (after all, she lives in New Zealand)
or keeping an eye on the marchers. Grand
marshal Heather Butts '94 credited Beth with
encouraging her to become a marshal. Beth
is not the first Rose to receive the Huntington
award. Her father, Charles' 50, pictured with
Beth, won in 2011 (and proudly noted that he
and Beth were the first father and daughter
Huntington honorees).

Rivinus, Haynes, McAlpin, Dicki Ann Boal

Bob Dyer K50, Stu Duncan, Bill Dyer K50, Grand papa Charlie Rose

Erdman, Mary Hopkins, Bill Campbell, J Q Robinson

Background, Bob Dyer, Duncan, foreground Anderson H 50
Fou '94 S H 50, Alexander H 50
Pictures taken by Beth Rose '77 and Meg McFarland K'50.
Aline Haynes used the "Time to spare, go by air" system in her flight
from the west coast and missed the pictures.
Be sure to go to www.princetonianamuseum.org.
Bill Haynes, Charlie Rose, Bill Campbell, our Piper playing The Artillery Song,
Schluters in the golf cart.

We're not old, we're dignified.

J Q Robinson, Joan Abbottts, Peter Erdman, Beth Rose '77, Marion Cronheim, Bob Cronheim,
Bill Campbell
Bill Haynes, Alene Haynes, Kent Young, Bill Dippel (son), Bill Dipple, Sue Dipple, Will Rivinus,
Dickie Ann Boal.

Charlie Rose, Mary Alexander H'50, Sue Fou '94 S H'50, Nick Anderson H'50

Mary Alexander H '50, Nick Anderson H '50, Stu Duncan, David McAlpin
Back row, Lamont Adams, Nancy Schluter, Charlie Rose, Bill Schluter.
Cans courtesy of Ken Perry
NOTES. We do not list email addresses on this web site, since they are not password protected. You can get addresses for classmates who have listed them with Alumni Records by clicking on Tigernet.
The Web Manager is Charles H. Rose '50.
Logo and page design by Alfred Abbotts '50.
Page update 23 March 2004
©2004 The Princeton University Class of 1950.
This page was created by and for the Princeton Class of 1950.
The contained information is intended to be used for individual communication of a personal nature among Princetonians.
Use of this information for any other purpose is prohibited.
The Class of 1950 is solely responsible for the content.
Although every effort is made to keep the information accurate, it cannot be guaranteed.